Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Lord of the Rings...

Silver rings, that is. Sorry about the delay but my life has been a litle bit hectic lately. I have an essay to finish, a testimony to transcribe, a lit test on monday, a book to finish reading so that i can start two more and let's add to that the stress of a paranoic father and an "I really don't give a shit" mother, a "couture" sister who would be the envy of Paris zHilton when comes to snobness and stupidity and a confused cousin who doesn't know wheter to finish college and suicide or kill all her family and then suicide. Well, you know, normal family stuff. But changing the subject a little, I'm happy because yesterday I got new silver rings for my self, and the store I went to get them, men that was paradise, they had a whole section just for rings my size, I got so happy that in the middle of the store in front of everyone that was there( including my mom) i kneeled on the floor and thanked the lord( yeah, crazy huh?) but I had to, because my ring size is a size 6, and Do you know how hard it is to find a beautiful ring in a size 6? It was my lucky day, that's why I got two instead of one, hey, after all, they were on sale.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Buffalo Wings Day

Today, it was the most amazing day of my life, even the orthodoncist treated me nicely and my teeth didn't hurt (much) after the appointment. My orthodontic treatment is going well, I got 2 A's in my minority lit class, my partner and I are way ahead of everybody else in the Oral History project and my beautiful and lovely boyfriend (I love you sweetie) spent all day with me, treating me as if I was a queen (as he always does). So I can't complain of the day. Specially because after leaving the campus(Where it was raining as if God was thinking of flooding the Earth again) we went to Buffalo's to eat chicken wings and I ate 15 wings (with my body type and stomach condition, that's a lot people), and everyone knows that I just love chicken wings, the only bad thing that happened was that the waitress was an ass but still we made her work as if we were a group of 15 persons (even though we were only 5) and left no tip, so we evened out. Regularly I don't do that because I don't like being mean to people but she really deserved it.

Anyway, the day was really good, I really had a very good day, and now I am just hoping to have a very good night also.

Good Night.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Totally Normal Day.... I think

Ok, here's how my day was:
I started with the wrong foot because I got up late, my hair was a mess, I couldn't have breakfast( I thank that stupid old lady who stopped in the middle of the road so she could decide whether she was making a left or a right turn) but you know, it's ok, I can deal with that. Then it was when the shittiest call of the day arrived, someone tthat had asked me for a favor a long time ago wanted his favor for today, GREAT!!!!!! so I take my class, hurry up home, skip lunch, finish the favor, almost became the daughter of Flash, because i had to hurry up in order to give the person the document, (did I mentioned that I had to walk to get to the place)take the stairs to the fifth floor to find the most pleasant surprise ever, she was not there, she had already left to her home, even though i told her to call me ifshe was leaving early(yes, I left her my number) so there was no excuse for her not to have at least told me that she wasn't going to be there. So you know how happy I was feeling in those moments. The lesson learned here:

Even if it means starving, I will not work for idiots once I graduate

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Have you ever felt like a prisioner once you are already more than 20 and you have to travel somewhere with your parents? I mean notthat you hate them, it is just the feeling that they keep treating you as if you were a little kid that cannot do anything by yourself specially taking decisions. It is as if they don't trust the work they did by raising you, and now are afraid that you will not be what they expect.Why is it that the parental unit can't let go of their offspring once the offspring is an adult, a respectable and responsible adult. Why can't they trust that they did a good work and that from that moment on, the rest of the road is up to our own self?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Hello people.

I was just born a few minutes ago, so i'm not going to be the coolest kid in town by now, but wait and see, I may surprise you.