Post Cards people, post cards!!!Today I dedicated my entire day to sending post cards to the people I love. So you better check you mail tomorrow(e- mail that is) because you might be receiving post card. Merry Christmas!!
Sad Christmas NewsSo tomorrow is our annual Christmas get together with the girls and I'm not gonna be able to go (thanks a lot to my man's boss). Since N.Y. will be working tomorrow 8 to 5 and I don't have a car(thanks to my daddy for that one) I willl miss the only Christmas celebration worthy of my attendance. But I gotta say that I am not mad, just a little dissapointed because I really, really,really wanted to see my friends, but hey, after all, it is not his fault and we need the money that he is going to make so, I guess it will be the next time, because I hope there is a next time.
It's here, Merry Christmas!!!!!!Hello everybody!!!I know, I know, I've been MIA for quite a while, but let's just say that this has not been the easiest christmas vacations I have ever had. Update in my life, now I live in Isabela with my beautiful and handsome boyfriend soon to be fiancé later husband( that sounds so pretty), and even though I gotta admit that things has not been easy we've held on to our love and we are doing just fine, we will be spending our first christmas together (yay!!!) were I will be celebrating that I am not pregnant thanks to the all mighty and powerful Holy Trinity of Heaven, and that we have all that we need including two beautiful cats who are our daughters right now, who are Kitana and Mileena, (they are beautiful by the way) and we are holding on and trying to do the best we can in order to avoid confrontations with each other because right now that is all we have(each other) and if we break apart, well, let's not think about that. Anyway, life is sweet, I am not rich yet, but I am happy and I am hoping that this will be the best christmas ever because I get to spend it with someone I love with all my heart and that's what really matters.See ya' next post.