Just to let you guys know that i am alive. My niece's baptism was on Sunday and it was nice. But all the people there had children already and I felt just like the sex and the city girls in the baby shower episode. And then, somebody dared ask me when were mine coming, and all that went through my mind was: When you give birth to them you stupid women!
I don't want children not now, not soon, not ina year or two...
Anyways, I am alive.
Just a petite size amazon putting her skills to the test in order to survive in a planet ruled by testosterone ( and sometimes major stupidity).
Monday, October 06, 2008
Friday, August 08, 2008
First day as a "professor"
So today i gave my first two classes. It was nice, students were polite and the ones of the 7:30 section were the ones that had it harder because of the time, but, there is nothing I can do about that. So I'll try to do my best and see what comes out of this. Yesterday i took my first Masters Class and i loved it, but it's so much work its not even funny. I'll get the hang of it. Gotta go, I need food and sleep, only slept 4 hours yesterday night because i had 36 oz of Coca Cola in less than 4 hours, i know, i know, and i will not attempt it again.
Take Care everyone.
See Ya'
Take Care everyone.
See Ya'
Monday, July 28, 2008
Well. apparently fanatics can't get enough. Check this out, tell me what you think.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The Close Encounter
Today i went to the doctor. I took him the results of some test he had referred mebecause i really wanted to know what is causing e to act like a hibernating bear. Then th answer was revealed, here it goes: I JUST NEED VITAMINS. I guess all work no play even in vacation time is taking its toll. In other news, today we say goodbye to Onyx's balls, for he is getting neutered tomorrow morning an i have to take him, regularly i send my husband to deal with those traumatic experiences that way he is the bad guy and i am the good guy, but i guess this time my luck ran out. Tell about the experience tomorrow.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Graduation is tomorrow
So here's where the shit hits the fan. Tomorrow is graduation day, and I am not even a bit excited, is that weird? I did not do my hair, or nails, or anything, I haven't even waxed yet. Is there something wrong with me? I even forgot the rehearsal for graduation was today. I'm starting to think I'm getting alzheimer or something, or even worse, that i've just started suffering of the "I don't give a shit anymore" syndrome.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
It been a while huh? I've been busy and confused. So i wasn't feeling like blogging. But here is a summary:
My niece was born. She is as beautiful as her auntie, of course. I finished my bachelors degree, I think I'm Suma or Magna Cum Laude one of those two. I'm already a teacher apart from my degree. My 1st year wedding anniversary was on the 19th, it was cute, and I got a cool present from my husband. I've kept in touch with some of my friends, I'm visiting my parents a bit more on Fridays and it's been a while since the last time I wrote something, maybe it is because I feel empty, now that i finished with college, i feel that there is nothing left for me to do. I think that's it. Any other thing i remember i'll blog it later.
It been a while huh? I've been busy and confused. So i wasn't feeling like blogging. But here is a summary:
My niece was born. She is as beautiful as her auntie, of course. I finished my bachelors degree, I think I'm Suma or Magna Cum Laude one of those two. I'm already a teacher apart from my degree. My 1st year wedding anniversary was on the 19th, it was cute, and I got a cool present from my husband. I've kept in touch with some of my friends, I'm visiting my parents a bit more on Fridays and it's been a while since the last time I wrote something, maybe it is because I feel empty, now that i finished with college, i feel that there is nothing left for me to do. I think that's it. Any other thing i remember i'll blog it later.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Friday, May 02, 2008
happy happy days!
Today is one of those days that you don't care if the world falls apart because one good thing happened. I'll make myself a bit clearer. I'm sick, acid reflux is eating me alive, laringitis finally caught up with me, and add to that that I catched a cold, a horrible cold. So today with all that over me, I went to fulfill my duties as a teacher and then, under the pouring rain, (those of you who studied in The Colegio know what I'm talking about) I made it to my Shakespeare class. After that, I went to the Department and they clarified to me that my acceptance to graduate school is partialized because I still have to take Structure of the English Language, and it will not count as a credit. So I came home, sat down and watch some anime for a while when the call reached me, a friend called to announce that the results of the college board certification exams arrived today. And after hearing this news and checking my results I decided to reflect about my day and I came to this conclusion: The bad news of the day can suck my symbolic pair of "cojones" because i passed the motherf***king PCMAS and now I am OFFIACIALLY a Certified Teacher, so I guess those 5 years were not wasted at all. I PASSED, I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Surprises that life gives you
It's amazing how life can escape you in a second, yesterday they took one of my husband's work companions to the hospital because he had a headache and he was feeling a bit off, next thing we know he unconscious in "Centro Medico" in Rio Piedras because the cause of his headache was a tumor, and they had to extract liquid from his brain because the tumor had caused his brain to swollen. He died today, around 3 in the morning. Nobody was expecting for something like this to happen, he was a happy, helpful, hard working person that had a wife and a little girl, and in the blink of an eye, he is gone. I can't imagine the pain his family is going trough right now. What i can say is that things like this make us realize if weare doing the best that we can to live fully, while we have the chance.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Another boring day
Its saturday i am alone and i've been doing some house chores, and watching T.V.
That's all.
I am so bored.
That's all.
I am so bored.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Judgement Day
Today my supervising teacher was absent, so i am here in the classroom all by myself because he did not notify me beforehand. Why the post title? Simple. Today also i am going to talk to the boss of bosses about the situation ith the practice supervisor, so i'm going to have to wait until the afternoon to go to campus and see if she is there to expose the situation to her.
In other news, Nelson got the job and he starts on April 7th, that week he has to stay on San Juan in a training for the whole week, so i guess i'll spend my birthday alone. But it's o.k, sacrifices must be made for the greater good and i am used to it anyhow. At least i got to spnd last weekend at my parents and i went shopping and dining with my mom and my sister,i vivited my grandma and grandpa, and my godmother who is a little bit sick, so i have to go visit her any chance i get, because i really don't kno how much she is going to last, same thing with my grandpa. My parents are fine, my sister in law is about to explode because of her belly, (my niece is on the way) and my sister finally has a boyfriend worth calling a man, so i'm hoping that she will do things right and finally "hold the horses". My little cousins were very happy to see me and they want to visit, so i had to tell the that they could visit in the summer. Now i'm going to have to hold on to my word, but it's o.k. 'cause they're good kids.
About my classes, we have to start the Shakespeare film on Friday, so i'll let you know about that later, maybe post some bloopers.
Other than that, nothing interesting in my life.
In other news, Nelson got the job and he starts on April 7th, that week he has to stay on San Juan in a training for the whole week, so i guess i'll spend my birthday alone. But it's o.k, sacrifices must be made for the greater good and i am used to it anyhow. At least i got to spnd last weekend at my parents and i went shopping and dining with my mom and my sister,i vivited my grandma and grandpa, and my godmother who is a little bit sick, so i have to go visit her any chance i get, because i really don't kno how much she is going to last, same thing with my grandpa. My parents are fine, my sister in law is about to explode because of her belly, (my niece is on the way) and my sister finally has a boyfriend worth calling a man, so i'm hoping that she will do things right and finally "hold the horses". My little cousins were very happy to see me and they want to visit, so i had to tell the that they could visit in the summer. Now i'm going to have to hold on to my word, but it's o.k. 'cause they're good kids.
About my classes, we have to start the Shakespeare film on Friday, so i'll let you know about that later, maybe post some bloopers.
Other than that, nothing interesting in my life.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Poetry Contest
So Today we had our poetry contest in the classroom. The guys did great. Some of them wrote exceptional poems. For the first time in the semester i feel proud of my students. Some of them can really become great poets, the ability is there. Yesterday and today the behaved better and they looked more interested than other times, so that probes my theory, its not only them but also me. I too need to adjust my class to them, because after all i am supposed to be planning for them and not for myself.
My supervisor is a......
So here me again complaining about my practice. things are better in the classroom level but not in the administrative level. My supervisor is the most irresponsible professor i've ever known. She makes appointments with us with months of anticipation and the she calls the day of the appointment at 6:00 am to cancel. I'm telling, she's got me pissed off.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Dissapointed with teaching
Here is the morning post. I a doing this post so early because i am pissed off at th system and i a pissed off at my practice and at the fact that because of group of conceited low life meerkats my practice teaching is getting screwed. At the beggining the first two month all the evaluation were good enough, but now, since a few evil offsprings decided that they don't like, the teacher changed his perspective to the perspective of the students, you know, like hen protecting chicks, and now i am being screwed in every evaluation and everything i do is not enough for "my gifted students". This sucks, why do we have to work ina system that treats us like a pile of dung and that gives those conceited little assholes more authority in the classroom than to the teacher. It is always what they want, not what they need, but they want. And i am sick and tired of it, i can't wait for this nightmare from hell to end.So i can graduate, and kiss goodbye the public system, cause its a worthless piece of shit.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Spring Break vacation
I've done nothing.
I've read nothing.
I bought nothing.
I rarely got out of the house.
I started exercising a little, I'm walking a mile every other day.
I've had only like two meals a day for a whole week.
The cats are good, the husband is fine, the house is a mess.
Sleeping patterns went back to normal, for a hybernating bear.
That's it. Happy easter everyone.
I've read nothing.
I bought nothing.
I rarely got out of the house.
I started exercising a little, I'm walking a mile every other day.
I've had only like two meals a day for a whole week.
The cats are good, the husband is fine, the house is a mess.
Sleeping patterns went back to normal, for a hybernating bear.
That's it. Happy easter everyone.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Long time no blog. what do i have to share? I'm struggling with my practice, my students are horrible(most of them) I'm totally lost in Shakespeare class, my husband is demanding more time(aka Sex)oh, and my braces were removed on Tuesday, same day that i had to be absent to the practice center because of medications for the back. Its a very beautiful world lately. My mom has a better social life than me, my sister in law is soon to give birth and i haven't even seen her with the big belly, that's how interesting my life has been lately. I fell sick a few days before the PCMAS and lost 6 pounds in four days, my size 4 jeans hang loose on my waist, they don't fall because of the big butt. So you can also imagine the dark circles, i'm sleeping a maxium of 5 hours daily. I'm about to go crazy, but this time officially.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Saturday, March 01, 2008
You know you are disconnected from the world when...
Long time, no blog. I've been busy. With the practice, Shakespeare, the tutoring and the private classes i barely have time to eat and take a shower. I was browsing trough the oscar pictures(a week after) and i noticed something really shocking, half of the actors and actresses in the red carpet, I don't know who they are, and the ones i do know, are over 7 years old in the industry, ain't that pathetic?
It is because of things like that that you realize that you are totally disconnected from the rest of the world. Hey, let's face it, I've been 3 years now in May without t.v. or cable at home.
Hope the rest of the world is more up to date.
Long time, no blog. I've been busy. With the practice, Shakespeare, the tutoring and the private classes i barely have time to eat and take a shower. I was browsing trough the oscar pictures(a week after) and i noticed something really shocking, half of the actors and actresses in the red carpet, I don't know who they are, and the ones i do know, are over 7 years old in the industry, ain't that pathetic?
It is because of things like that that you realize that you are totally disconnected from the rest of the world. Hey, let's face it, I've been 3 years now in May without t.v. or cable at home.
Hope the rest of the world is more up to date.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentines Day... Sucks!!!!!!!!
First of all Happy Valentine's to all of those ho actually believe that crap. To all the others, well, try to survive the sea of flower and chocolate that wil be waving all around. Always remember that every day is a nice day to give some love and receive some loving.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Regular day
I finally sent my grad school applicatin yesterday. Today i'll go pay for it and my recomendeers already sent the letters, so everything is good in that aspect. I'm in the classroom, i don't know hat to do today because i am feeling as sick as heck, but you know, the show must go on. Today i start my voluntary work as an english tutor in Aguadilla, so i'll see how that goes. Other than that, there is nothing else to say, only this, i don't want Valentine's day to arrive for i know it will be a miserable day.
Friday, February 01, 2008
Another week goes by
I have survived another week. Thsi routine is driving me crazy, i even think that i have a stomach ulcer, is either that or a baby(Let it be an ulcer, i so prefer the ulcer). This internship thing and driving everyday to Anasco and then to Mayaguez is killing me, but you know, sacrifices must be made in order to succeed.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
R.I.P. Heath Ledger
I 've just received the hardest blow. Heath Ledger("Patrick Verona" in "Ten Things i hate about you") is dead.He died on tuesday in his brooklyn apartment apparently by an accidental overdose on sleeping pills. May his soul rest in peace. I'm really gonna miss him.
Every day is a holiday for me lately
Today was as boring as any other day when I have nothing to do but house chores. I was suppossed to start internship today but the letters were not ready, so i couldn't start today, maybe tomorrow either. All i have done all day is house chores and wash my car again because i did yesterday but it rained so i had to do it again today. The kitties are doing great.
I already requested my letters of recommendation from the unholy trinity to get into graduate school. Lets see how it goes.
I already requested my letters of recommendation from the unholy trinity to get into graduate school. Lets see how it goes.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Here's something cool i found on msn to commemorate MLK day.
In His Own Words -- Martin Luther King Jr.
Civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. inspired a nation to change largely through his riveting speeches. Considered one of the greatest orators in United States history, his thoughts on racial equality have been repeated by many speakers throughout the years since his assassination. His skill with words powered King's nonviolent battle for integration and equal rights. Here are 10 quotations from the eminently quotable activist.
1. He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. -- "Stride Toward Freedom," 1958.
2. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. -- "Strength to Love," 1963.
3. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. -- "Letter from Birmingham Jail," April 16, 1963.
4. Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. -- "Strength to Love," 1963.
5. Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor. -- "Letter from Birmingham Jail," April 16, 1963.
6. The means by which we live have outdistanced the ends for which we live. Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men. -- "Strength to Love," 1963.
7. Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. -- "Letter from Birmingham Jail," April 16, 1963.
8. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. -- "I Have a Dream," civil rights march on Washington, D.C., August 28, 1963. (Source: The New York Times)
9. Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. It is a weapon unique in history, which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals. -- "Why We Can't Wait," 1964.
10. The security we profess to seek in foreign adventures we will lose in our decaying cities. -- [Referring to U.S. Vietnam policy.] Address at Riverside Church, New York. (Source: History Today, April 1998)
In His Own Words -- Martin Luther King Jr.
Civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. inspired a nation to change largely through his riveting speeches. Considered one of the greatest orators in United States history, his thoughts on racial equality have been repeated by many speakers throughout the years since his assassination. His skill with words powered King's nonviolent battle for integration and equal rights. Here are 10 quotations from the eminently quotable activist.
1. He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. -- "Stride Toward Freedom," 1958.
2. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. -- "Strength to Love," 1963.
3. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. -- "Letter from Birmingham Jail," April 16, 1963.
4. Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. -- "Strength to Love," 1963.
5. Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor. -- "Letter from Birmingham Jail," April 16, 1963.
6. The means by which we live have outdistanced the ends for which we live. Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men. -- "Strength to Love," 1963.
7. Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. -- "Letter from Birmingham Jail," April 16, 1963.
8. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. -- "I Have a Dream," civil rights march on Washington, D.C., August 28, 1963. (Source: The New York Times)
9. Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. It is a weapon unique in history, which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals. -- "Why We Can't Wait," 1964.
10. The security we profess to seek in foreign adventures we will lose in our decaying cities. -- [Referring to U.S. Vietnam policy.] Address at Riverside Church, New York. (Source: History Today, April 1998)
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Another day II
Today was as lame as the rest of the week and i had to get up earlier in order to find a parking spot and be on tie for the training. The only highlight of the day is that i saw K-lo and that Damian confirmed that Stella is still alive, she is just hibernating(kidding!!!!!). That's it. No more to inform. Good Night.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
PETA kills animals
Here something every pet lover must read:
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Kitties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! part 2
I am the proud grandma of 5 adorable kittens, sadly for the grandpa, none of them looks siamese.
So heres what's been happening today. Kitana got into labor around 3:35 and sheis still working on it, it's her first litter so aybe that's why it's taking her some time to figure it out. the catch here is that she wants me right next to her all the time, otheriwise, she just leaves the bed to follow me around to see if i let her inside the bedroom( she's using Miller's kitty bed) I' starting to think that she has no clue of what she is doing.
Friday, January 11, 2008
As Promised
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Friday, January 04, 2008
Thursday, January 03, 2008
It's raining men...
Today I finally went shopping for the dress to the Company party tomorrow. It is be-e-autiful and it only costed 49 dollars, all the others that i saw were around 60 and up so that one was a great finding, and it was the only model in the store, the shoes were a real bargain, 10 dollars. I will make the necklace so i don't have to spend on jewelry or accesories and if everything else fails I have a beautiful murano starfishor a swaroski heart that goes with anything. Other than that, today I've had a lot of unexpected visitors, my house has been full of males, my husband's lawyer friend came to visit and a few hours later came the almost doctor friend and unexpectedly, the best man from the wedding a.k.a. my man's best friend. So they have been playing Gran Turismo and talking about stuff only men can find fun. Its not that bad, at least that way he stays at home and not goes anywhere else to drink or something, they stay here, play some games, have some soda and chips and then they leave to their homes content because they spent time together before the almost doctor goes back to Mexico to continue his studies.
Anyway, i'll try to take some pictures with the dress on to show you guys, maybe i'll post one or two so that Vivi and Nydia and can see it.
Gotta go.
Anyway, i'll try to take some pictures with the dress on to show you guys, maybe i'll post one or two so that Vivi and Nydia and can see it.
Gotta go.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
New Year
Another day in a new year.
The only thing that has changed is the last digit of the date,
the rest remains the same
and so it will
for quite a while.
Have a Happy New Year everyone!
Blessings to all!
The only thing that has changed is the last digit of the date,
the rest remains the same
and so it will
for quite a while.
Have a Happy New Year everyone!
Blessings to all!
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