Monday, September 24, 2007

Peace talks...

I hereby dare to summon chromachord and katherinepr to arrange peace talks or else. I'm tired of this shitty situation. It has to stop as soon as possible. Talk to each other, make an arrengement and meet for f***s sake. If there is not a meeting arrangement before next week you can count me out of the b-day celebration.



Osoroco said...

I second the motion

Stella said...

Or else?

I think it's unfair that you've dragged this out to your blog...after all, other Boobies have had their rows and they have not been as publicly displayed as this has. And I think it's silly that you're threatening to bow out of my birthday "celebration".

And YOU. *points to Damian* TRAITOR!

Viv said...

Uh, What's going on? Boobies mad at each other? Tsh, tsh, tsh. I think this has been a rough year for the Boobies, in general.

Myko Kitsune said...

I do this because i love you, and you know i like to over react, i'm not really going to bail on the b-day.

nyd said...

I second viv on this being a hard year for all the boobies...I mean i hope everything and everyone gets their issues worked out. I think we are to much of a fine group to have missunderstandings and jsut plain life changes get the better of us. Life changes people, we change and we sometimes need to understand that the changes might not be what we wanted or expected, but there it is. Either we try and get used to it or it will break us apart. And i don't know about you but i am not willing to let our group, which let me remind you all, that has been together for almost 6 years now break up as consequence of change and misunderstandings. Talk, i tried it and it i hope everyone, in general, does the same. Some of are so far away and it hurts to think that so much is going on and we are not there to help or just give a shoulder to cry on. We need to be there for each other. He dicho!

Myko Kitsune said...
