I got an A in the seminar!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanxs a lot to Boobie Sharon for the party, it was great.
Thanks Boobie K-lo for the Borders certificate, thanxs to you I am finally Charmed. (the last season)
K-lo, so great that you graduated, the next big party we have to plan is going to be in the summer, to celebrate that we are all over with college.( for that one we may hire a stripper)
Great to see that Nyd is doing o.k.
Went Christmas shopping yesterday, the mall was horrible, but i got my uniforms for next semester very cheap.( Yes K-lo, i have to wear uniforms)
Saw the Bratz movie and its really nice, the trailer does not make justice to the movie, because it gives a good lesson about friendship and how life changes. I also saw Stardust, liked it, State Troopers, very funny, Delovely, didn't like the ending. The next movies on my list is American Pie:Beta House, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Atonement and The Golden Compass. Don't waste your time watching I know who killed me, it's a piece of crap.
Happy Holidays for everybody! I'll let you now later if Santa got me what I wanted, oh and the most important thing of the Holidays, may the birth of baby Jesus pave the way to the flourishment of peace, love, health and success for everybody.
I saw the Golden Compass and although I know that there are three parts to the movie, it really was missing something at the end. As also, the movie starts off not making much sense at all. They jump from one thing to the other and the images remind me of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. Some good effects, some if not much violence (kids need not see this movie example some one or something (not going to say for those of you who are going to see it) gets his/er jaw ripped off and you see it ALL!)
Thanks for the heads up, i saw in some websites that the movie started very good but then lost a lot of popularity, maybe because as you are telling me now, it is not what we are expecting from a fantasy movie that is suppossed to be suited both for children and adults alike. I guess i'll just take my chances with Alvin and the Chipmunks.
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