As I eat a plain hot dogs with ketchup I think about my island’s
economy. Yesterday as I talking to a friend I realized how closed are the
economic circles of my island. Funding rarely reaches its destination and proposal
money stays in the hands and projects of a few that don’t share the information
so others don’t get the opportunity to be granted money. It’s really frustrating
to see how the rich keep getting richer at the expense of the working class
while the poor keep growing poorer and ignorant by the millisecond. There is no
money to fix the economy, no money to fix the school system, no money to fix
the public health insurance system and yet there is money for political
campaigns and televised advertisements that are meant to encourage us to work
for a system that does not work for us.
Puerto Rico used to be a paradise, now, all that remains is the nostalgia of better days. Today it is just a sick commonwealth
that is becoming sicker and sicker by the minute. The cancer of poverty
continues to spread, the social abyss keeps getting wider and wider and the
people keeps getting more violent and hopeless. We need a glimmer of light, but
it is going to be a monumental quest to find it within all this dirt and
corruption that lies beneath the surface. Tourists, don’t let yourselves be
fooled, the island is not safe, even police officers are abusing tourists and locals, it’s not paradise, (slaughter of animals and dirty beaches) and it is not a happy
place to be right now, (if you don't believe me, ask the mother of the 18 year old boy who was killed in a car jacking a few days ago or the family members of the fast food manager who got shot in the head in an armed robbery on Thursday[I think]).
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