Just a petite size amazon putting her skills to the test in order to survive in a planet ruled by testosterone ( and sometimes major stupidity).
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Movies and more Movies
First of all, my apologies for not showing up to dinner on the 26th. It was just impossible for me to be there even though i wanted to.
In movie news I have two good news:
1. The Other Boleyn Girl will be probably released in February 2008 starring Natalie Portman as Anne Boleyn and Scarlett Johanson as her sister.
2. This one may sound nice for boobie Sharon, in the first quarter of 2008 PBS will be showing a new adaptation of Sense and Sensibility.
And to finish here is a nice trailer of a movie that sounds and looks like fun.Enjoy!
In movie news I have two good news:
1. The Other Boleyn Girl will be probably released in February 2008 starring Natalie Portman as Anne Boleyn and Scarlett Johanson as her sister.
2. This one may sound nice for boobie Sharon, in the first quarter of 2008 PBS will be showing a new adaptation of Sense and Sensibility.
And to finish here is a nice trailer of a movie that sounds and looks like fun.Enjoy!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
My life in a minute
I got an A in the seminar!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanxs a lot to Boobie Sharon for the party, it was great.
Thanks Boobie K-lo for the Borders certificate, thanxs to you I am finally Charmed. (the last season)
K-lo, so great that you graduated, the next big party we have to plan is going to be in the summer, to celebrate that we are all over with college.( for that one we may hire a stripper)
Great to see that Nyd is doing o.k.
Went Christmas shopping yesterday, the mall was horrible, but i got my uniforms for next semester very cheap.( Yes K-lo, i have to wear uniforms)
Saw the Bratz movie and its really nice, the trailer does not make justice to the movie, because it gives a good lesson about friendship and how life changes. I also saw Stardust, liked it, State Troopers, very funny, Delovely, didn't like the ending. The next movies on my list is American Pie:Beta House, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Atonement and The Golden Compass. Don't waste your time watching I know who killed me, it's a piece of crap.
Happy Holidays for everybody! I'll let you now later if Santa got me what I wanted, oh and the most important thing of the Holidays, may the birth of baby Jesus pave the way to the flourishment of peace, love, health and success for everybody.
Thanxs a lot to Boobie Sharon for the party, it was great.
Thanks Boobie K-lo for the Borders certificate, thanxs to you I am finally Charmed. (the last season)
K-lo, so great that you graduated, the next big party we have to plan is going to be in the summer, to celebrate that we are all over with college.( for that one we may hire a stripper)
Great to see that Nyd is doing o.k.
Went Christmas shopping yesterday, the mall was horrible, but i got my uniforms for next semester very cheap.( Yes K-lo, i have to wear uniforms)
Saw the Bratz movie and its really nice, the trailer does not make justice to the movie, because it gives a good lesson about friendship and how life changes. I also saw Stardust, liked it, State Troopers, very funny, Delovely, didn't like the ending. The next movies on my list is American Pie:Beta House, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Atonement and The Golden Compass. Don't waste your time watching I know who killed me, it's a piece of crap.
Happy Holidays for everybody! I'll let you now later if Santa got me what I wanted, oh and the most important thing of the Holidays, may the birth of baby Jesus pave the way to the flourishment of peace, love, health and success for everybody.
Monday, December 10, 2007
The last day of school, for me!!!!
Hi everyone, I just finished a 9 page take home exam(both faces of the paper) of comprehension questions, yes, i had to read 11 chapters of a book to answer it, but hey, i finished on time. So this is officially the last work of the semester for me, after this, I am free for a whole 30 days, to do NOTHING!!!!!!!!!! ahh, sweet nothing. It feels so good to know that i finished what i started, and that i did all the work for all the courses as good as i could. In some i am expecting a B, but hey, I was taking methodology and seminar at the same time, so cut me some slack. Anyway, i just want a peaceful vacation with my husband and cats. I will dedicate myself to being all day doing house chores like a good homemaker so that my husband can be happy and proud of the doll he married. (riiiiiiigggghhhttttt!!!!!!![with the sarcasm overflowing from the pores]) I will do the laundry when i feel like it, i will cook when i want to and most of the time i will be eating chips and watching rented movies, oh and lets not forget, sleeping until late, dream vacation for an overworked person. Enjoy your holidays.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Two must sees
This post is for those who are in full use of free time, here are two great movies that you should not miss this December
And those who liked the Chronicles of Narnia, wil like this one,
Atonement: with Keira Knigtley-from the directors of Pride and Prejudice.

The Golden Compass: with Nicole Kidman as the fashionable but evil counterpart 

Wednesday, December 05, 2007
A petition to Santa's Info desk
If somebody knows where can i get the "Lady Oscar, The Rose of Versailles" anime series, please let me know. I so want it, that one and "Candy Candy"
They are childhood treasures.
They are childhood treasures.
1 minute of Dr. Me
I was just watching a movie that reminded me that sometimes we can turn life into a real bitch. Why do we always have to be looking for the things we are never going to find in the places that we are looking for them?(Confusing huh?)Why should we never be content with what we have and instead of trying to make the best out it, we want to change things, just because we want to?
Why is it so difficult to see the glass half full? Why is it so difficult to stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself and say, I love me. No matter if your hair is a mess, or your roots are showing, or your eyebrows are not "perfect", or you are a few pound under or over, you just have to stand in front of that mirror and say, Fuck the world, I am beautiful the way I am! I'm smart! I'm self sufficient!I am 100 percent worthy of being loved!
Only then, the world will be ready to start being a better place to live.
Sorry if i bore you, if i do, it means you have issues!
Why is it so difficult to see the glass half full? Why is it so difficult to stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself and say, I love me. No matter if your hair is a mess, or your roots are showing, or your eyebrows are not "perfect", or you are a few pound under or over, you just have to stand in front of that mirror and say, Fuck the world, I am beautiful the way I am! I'm smart! I'm self sufficient!I am 100 percent worthy of being loved!
Only then, the world will be ready to start being a better place to live.
Sorry if i bore you, if i do, it means you have issues!
Monday, December 03, 2007
The End is near
The Seminar final is tomorrow so pray for my soul.
After this, only one more final and i will be finally over with the semester.
In other topics, congratulations to K-lo on getting a B on Math Class and graduating.
On behalf of all the boobies i can say that WE ARE PROUD OF YOU GIRL!
Gotta go, must keep studying.
After this, only one more final and i will be finally over with the semester.
In other topics, congratulations to K-lo on getting a B on Math Class and graduating.
On behalf of all the boobies i can say that WE ARE PROUD OF YOU GIRL!
Gotta go, must keep studying.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Of leaders and Princesseses
Here are two interesting articles for those interested in gender studies. Feminism.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Another day
Today was boring. I went to college and Pearl amde mewaste my morning for i waited until 12:30 just to fill out an evaluation. Stupid ass! Then i just finished the essay for his class, turned it in and drove home were there was visitors that i was not expecting, so i went to wal mart to buy cat litter and then head home were incomplete Seminar work was waiting for me. I still have to finish the Research Paper and turn it in before the final. I still have the darn ear infection, the fucking germs just won't go away. Anyway, at least I solved the hour problem for the class that i need to graduate next semester. That was the only good thing today. Toorrow i have to go see Batra, i've talked to her so much this semester because of the seminar that i should think about moving to her office.Oh the irony of life.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Beautiful days
Having an ear infection sucks frozen old walrus balls. Today i'll just keep hibernating. Hip hip horray.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thanksgiving card
Thank u K-Lo for the Thanksgiving card, i laughed for a little while. What are Taters?
Things apparently have it against me. I spent Thanksgiving with an ear infection from hell. But hey, at least turkey was good.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
So here's the thing, I'll put it as some friend not so long ago reffered to me: as "cruel and inhumane" as my wicked persona can do it.
This year I will have no Christmas wish list, no Christmas wishes, no Christmas. Sorry my Boobies, but that's how it is. I personally want no questions asked about it. Its my decision and its final. Do enjoy your holidays and the best wishes for you all.
This year I will have no Christmas wish list, no Christmas wishes, no Christmas. Sorry my Boobies, but that's how it is. I personally want no questions asked about it. Its my decision and its final. Do enjoy your holidays and the best wishes for you all.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Just to let you know
Just so you people know I am alive and kicking, it's just that i have been busy. However just so you are interested, the english department student association will be having their second literary festival on October 23rd 2007. Just in case you want to go and give it a look.
Friday, October 12, 2007
A 300 parody
How Coca Cola just screws with our brains
This one is just plain funny
This one is just awesome:
Curiosity killed... THE MAN!!!
How Coca Cola just screws with our brains
This one is just plain funny
This one is just awesome:
Curiosity killed... THE MAN!!!
Half of the battle is over.
I took the seminar test yesterday and I got to admit that I feel discouraged; I must say that it was all gibberish to me. Also I have to thank Sharon for lending me her notebook, it help me A LOT!!!!!!.
Thanks Boobie Sharon, I owe you one and many. As for me, I am fine, I think, I’m just hoping that I get an acceptable grade.
As for what happened on Wednesday, don’t worry K, I’m alright, but thanks for calling, hope you like the recipe I posted for you yesterday.
I took the seminar test yesterday and I got to admit that I feel discouraged; I must say that it was all gibberish to me. Also I have to thank Sharon for lending me her notebook, it help me A LOT!!!!!!.
Thanks Boobie Sharon, I owe you one and many. As for me, I am fine, I think, I’m just hoping that I get an acceptable grade.
As for what happened on Wednesday, don’t worry K, I’m alright, but thanks for calling, hope you like the recipe I posted for you yesterday.
Thursday, October 11, 2007

Pumpkin Roll-ups
This colorful snack is perfect for nourishing young pumpkin carvers.
Cream cheese or American cheese
Sun-dried-tomato tortillas
Cilantro or parsley sprigs
1. Spread cream cheese or lay American cheese slices on sun-dried-tomato tortillas.
2. Roll them up, then cut them into 1-inch sections. Secure with a toothpick topped with a cilantro or parsley sprig.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Have good manners been forgotten?
So yesterday I went to the mall because my husband is working with a car exhibition showing the new Honda models for 2008, and since I finished my classes early, I told him to pick me up so I could be with him at the mall. Once there, I left him doing his job, you know, giving information about the cars, talking to potential clients etc., and I proceeded to look around and see what was new at the stores, when I am inside one of the stores watching some blouses he gave me a call that he needed me over there right away, but I told him that I would be there, but as soon as I finished with my window shopping because that wing of the mall was too crowded and I didn’t wanted to walk back so soon, so told him that I was going to get some lunch and as soon I was finished I would go to him. Then he told me that since I was getting something for me to eat, to get him something too, to buy the food 5car5ry 5out and eat over there in the booth, to what I answered- O.K.-
Once there with the food I sat on a little white table that he had there to put the paperwork and the cards and started eating, from all the people that passed by me (I mean I am technically in the middle of the mall) only 6 persons wished me “bon apetit” and all of them were males between the ages of25-60. Only one of them was between the ages of 12-18. What do this means? We do not care about people anymore, we have forgotten about manners, we want everyone around us to be nice and polite to us but are we to others?
Something very similar happened to me also a few days ago, my husband was going to be a little late to pick me up so I started walking around the campus in order to waste some time when I decided to make a little experiment, I smiled to everyone that looked at me straight to my face while I was randomly walking and only three persons smiled back at me, out of like 30. Are we so afraid or self involved that we have forgotten what courtesy is? Change starts within ourselves, one person can make the difference, manners are free and so are smiles, try it. Maybe you will find that your day get better after you have gifted a few nice words to some strangers and a few sincere smiles.
So yesterday I went to the mall because my husband is working with a car exhibition showing the new Honda models for 2008, and since I finished my classes early, I told him to pick me up so I could be with him at the mall. Once there, I left him doing his job, you know, giving information about the cars, talking to potential clients etc., and I proceeded to look around and see what was new at the stores, when I am inside one of the stores watching some blouses he gave me a call that he needed me over there right away, but I told him that I would be there, but as soon as I finished with my window shopping because that wing of the mall was too crowded and I didn’t wanted to walk back so soon, so told him that I was going to get some lunch and as soon I was finished I would go to him. Then he told me that since I was getting something for me to eat, to get him something too, to buy the food 5car5ry 5out and eat over there in the booth, to what I answered- O.K.-
Once there with the food I sat on a little white table that he had there to put the paperwork and the cards and started eating, from all the people that passed by me (I mean I am technically in the middle of the mall) only 6 persons wished me “bon apetit” and all of them were males between the ages of25-60. Only one of them was between the ages of 12-18. What do this means? We do not care about people anymore, we have forgotten about manners, we want everyone around us to be nice and polite to us but are we to others?
Something very similar happened to me also a few days ago, my husband was going to be a little late to pick me up so I started walking around the campus in order to waste some time when I decided to make a little experiment, I smiled to everyone that looked at me straight to my face while I was randomly walking and only three persons smiled back at me, out of like 30. Are we so afraid or self involved that we have forgotten what courtesy is? Change starts within ourselves, one person can make the difference, manners are free and so are smiles, try it. Maybe you will find that your day get better after you have gifted a few nice words to some strangers and a few sincere smiles.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Blessings just keep pouring
Apparently my time has come and great things have finally started to occur. Chromachord and katherine pr spoke to each other and made an arrangement and that's great, because now i have my friends back, today i went to receive the scholarship that i earned and i'm telling you, that place was a museum, the youngest one there was like 55 years old, there was even a lady who was 89 and kicking, imagine that. So as always my mom looked better than me and she was asked if she was there to receive one of the scholarships and she had to clarify that it was me who was the student and that she was my mom. But I am not jealous, i'm proud because my momma is a hot momma, she can be confused with my sister. After that we went home shopping together and spent some time time together because i don't get to see her often now that i live in one corner of the island and she lives in the other.
Adding to the good news, my husband got promoted today.
(yay!!!!!!!*cheering with pom-poms*)
So that is the other good news that i had in store, the bad news is that i have a shitload of work to do for college because only one more semester and i graduate and i have to keep a good grade index, other wise i lose my scholarship, so you know, everything comes with a price but i can pay it, it is just one more reason to keep working.
In family issues, my brother and my sister and me are really happy because my brother is going to be daddy and I am going to be an auntie, he started celebrating last week and haven't finished since, so he is been drinking almost two weekends in a row. but you how we puertoricans are, everything is a reason to parrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttyyyyy!!!!
Oh, add to that K-lo's graduation and that Sharon is not leaving in december and life is perfect, because I'm going to have almost everything that i asked for the new year. I am so happy that everything is going well for everybody, because when the people around me feel good, i feel good, and when they get what they want is like i get what i wanted too because i get to see them happy.
Well, that's all for today.
Apparently my time has come and great things have finally started to occur. Chromachord and katherine pr spoke to each other and made an arrangement and that's great, because now i have my friends back, today i went to receive the scholarship that i earned and i'm telling you, that place was a museum, the youngest one there was like 55 years old, there was even a lady who was 89 and kicking, imagine that. So as always my mom looked better than me and she was asked if she was there to receive one of the scholarships and she had to clarify that it was me who was the student and that she was my mom. But I am not jealous, i'm proud because my momma is a hot momma, she can be confused with my sister. After that we went home shopping together and spent some time time together because i don't get to see her often now that i live in one corner of the island and she lives in the other.
Adding to the good news, my husband got promoted today.
(yay!!!!!!!*cheering with pom-poms*)
So that is the other good news that i had in store, the bad news is that i have a shitload of work to do for college because only one more semester and i graduate and i have to keep a good grade index, other wise i lose my scholarship, so you know, everything comes with a price but i can pay it, it is just one more reason to keep working.
In family issues, my brother and my sister and me are really happy because my brother is going to be daddy and I am going to be an auntie, he started celebrating last week and haven't finished since, so he is been drinking almost two weekends in a row. but you how we puertoricans are, everything is a reason to parrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttyyyyy!!!!
Oh, add to that K-lo's graduation and that Sharon is not leaving in december and life is perfect, because I'm going to have almost everything that i asked for the new year. I am so happy that everything is going well for everybody, because when the people around me feel good, i feel good, and when they get what they want is like i get what i wanted too because i get to see them happy.
Well, that's all for today.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
More Good news
I hereby inform you that i got the scholarship that i applied for. I feel great, two good news in less than twenty four hours. I'm going to be a titi because my brother is pregnant and i got the scholarship that i applied for, the only bad thing that i have to inform for today is that my 18th century lit proffessor gave me a C- in the first essay. He's a bitch. I want the other proffessor back. Today i had to look nice because we had a mocked interviews activity to help the students from the campus to prepare for the job fair that is coming in October, and it felt great to help all those lost sheeps. And we had chocolate cake afterwards so it was good. Also because of that my hubby gave me a new blouse as a gift so, i can't complain. the highlight of the morning was that o wore some vintage orange sandals that i had stuffed in my closet with my new blouse, so i broke the black shoes routine. Until now, apart from the seminar class, it's been a nice day, i'll see what mess i find when i get home because my husband forgot to leave the cats locked in the room with their litter box.
I guess a "surprise" will be waiting for me at home.
I hereby inform you that i got the scholarship that i applied for. I feel great, two good news in less than twenty four hours. I'm going to be a titi because my brother is pregnant and i got the scholarship that i applied for, the only bad thing that i have to inform for today is that my 18th century lit proffessor gave me a C- in the first essay. He's a bitch. I want the other proffessor back. Today i had to look nice because we had a mocked interviews activity to help the students from the campus to prepare for the job fair that is coming in October, and it felt great to help all those lost sheeps. And we had chocolate cake afterwards so it was good. Also because of that my hubby gave me a new blouse as a gift so, i can't complain. the highlight of the morning was that o wore some vintage orange sandals that i had stuffed in my closet with my new blouse, so i broke the black shoes routine. Until now, apart from the seminar class, it's been a nice day, i'll see what mess i find when i get home because my husband forgot to leave the cats locked in the room with their litter box.
I guess a "surprise" will be waiting for me at home.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Peace talks...
I hereby dare to summon chromachord and katherinepr to arrange peace talks or else. I'm tired of this shitty situation. It has to stop as soon as possible. Talk to each other, make an arrengement and meet for f***s sake. If there is not a meeting arrangement before next week you can count me out of the b-day celebration.
I hereby dare to summon chromachord and katherinepr to arrange peace talks or else. I'm tired of this shitty situation. It has to stop as soon as possible. Talk to each other, make an arrengement and meet for f***s sake. If there is not a meeting arrangement before next week you can count me out of the b-day celebration.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Paying the price
I went bowling for two days in a row and now i have chostochondritys, (meaning that the muscles around my sternon are hurt) so now i can't do any unnecessary strenghts because it hurts like hell, even wired bras hurt. So, you over bowl, you pay the price.
In other topics i have a presentation tomorrow and instead of finishing it i'm blogging so let's see how it turns out.
Oh, remember about the bowling battle that i was having with my hubby, well, he won, now we have our own bowling equipment.
Well, that's it for today, take care everyone.
I went bowling for two days in a row and now i have chostochondritys, (meaning that the muscles around my sternon are hurt) so now i can't do any unnecessary strenghts because it hurts like hell, even wired bras hurt. So, you over bowl, you pay the price.
In other topics i have a presentation tomorrow and instead of finishing it i'm blogging so let's see how it turns out.
Oh, remember about the bowling battle that i was having with my hubby, well, he won, now we have our own bowling equipment.
Well, that's it for today, take care everyone.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Here are a pair of blogs you might find interesting my Joobbys(boobies/jedys)
http://designsbykim.blogspot.com (it's about arts and craft projects)
http://musicgossipvideos.blogspot.com (needs no introduction)
Here are a pair of blogs you might find interesting my Joobbys(boobies/jedys)
http://designsbykim.blogspot.com (it's about arts and craft projects)
http://musicgossipvideos.blogspot.com (needs no introduction)
Friends and Foes
It has come to my attention that lately the meaning of frienship appears to be fading in the wind for some people around me, so i hope this post helps them remember the meaning and duties of a friend.
Friend-1. someone you love, respect, admire, and trust as if he/she was your own flesh and blood. 2. Someone as necessary to you as an arm or a leg. 3. Someone you are willing to give your life for if its necessary.
Duties of a good friend:
1. To listen
2. To be there when you are needed
3. To tell the truth even when it hurts
4. To give advice, not orders
5. To help, not judge
6. To be a healing ointment, not a toxic venom
7. To help carry the burden, not to whip the mule
8. To forgive and forget
9. To Love
We must always remember that some people in our lives will come and go, but real friends are forever.(or at least until we die!!!!!!!!)
Love others as you love yourself, and the world will be a better place to share.
It has come to my attention that lately the meaning of frienship appears to be fading in the wind for some people around me, so i hope this post helps them remember the meaning and duties of a friend.
Friend-1. someone you love, respect, admire, and trust as if he/she was your own flesh and blood. 2. Someone as necessary to you as an arm or a leg. 3. Someone you are willing to give your life for if its necessary.
Duties of a good friend:
1. To listen
2. To be there when you are needed
3. To tell the truth even when it hurts
4. To give advice, not orders
5. To help, not judge
6. To be a healing ointment, not a toxic venom
7. To help carry the burden, not to whip the mule
8. To forgive and forget
9. To Love
We must always remember that some people in our lives will come and go, but real friends are forever.(or at least until we die!!!!!!!!)
Love others as you love yourself, and the world will be a better place to share.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Ha lo que ha llegado la crueldad contra animales
Police Say Man Fed Cats to His Pit Bulls
Thursday September 20, 2007 9:31 PM
Breaking News International
LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. (AP) - A man captured neighborhood cats and kittens and fed them live to his pit bulls, authorities said Thursday. Tye Hilmo, 21, of Dacula was charged Thursday with aggravated cruelty to animals.
Hilmo was already in jail on drug, firearm and probation violation charges, Gwinnett County sheriff's spokeswoman Stacey Bourbonnais said.
The new warrant charges that Hilmo ``did give injured live cats and kittens to his pit bull dogs and let the pit bulls kill the already injured cats and kittens. Hilmo would capture and injure neighborhood cats for this purpose.''
He was arrested Sept. 10 after investigators serving a search warrant on his house found guns and two pounds of marijuana, Bourbonnais said. He has been jailed since then.
Authorities found the bodies of two kittens near Hilmo's residence. Bourbonnais said they also found a gruesome image on Hilmo's cell phone: a picture of one of his pit bulls and one of the mauled, dead kittens, and beneath picture a caption that says ``Good Dog.''
``It's pretty disturbing,'' Bourbonnais said.
The initial tip about Hilmo indicated he may be feeding kittens and cats to his dogs to prepare the dogs for fighting, but no dogfighting charges have been leveled against Hilmo, Bourbonnais said.
Sheriff's officials could not immediately say whether Hilmo has an attorney.
Police Say Man Fed Cats to His Pit Bulls
Thursday September 20, 2007 9:31 PM
Breaking News International
LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. (AP) - A man captured neighborhood cats and kittens and fed them live to his pit bulls, authorities said Thursday. Tye Hilmo, 21, of Dacula was charged Thursday with aggravated cruelty to animals.
Hilmo was already in jail on drug, firearm and probation violation charges, Gwinnett County sheriff's spokeswoman Stacey Bourbonnais said.
The new warrant charges that Hilmo ``did give injured live cats and kittens to his pit bull dogs and let the pit bulls kill the already injured cats and kittens. Hilmo would capture and injure neighborhood cats for this purpose.''
He was arrested Sept. 10 after investigators serving a search warrant on his house found guns and two pounds of marijuana, Bourbonnais said. He has been jailed since then.
Authorities found the bodies of two kittens near Hilmo's residence. Bourbonnais said they also found a gruesome image on Hilmo's cell phone: a picture of one of his pit bulls and one of the mauled, dead kittens, and beneath picture a caption that says ``Good Dog.''
``It's pretty disturbing,'' Bourbonnais said.
The initial tip about Hilmo indicated he may be feeding kittens and cats to his dogs to prepare the dogs for fighting, but no dogfighting charges have been leveled against Hilmo, Bourbonnais said.
Sheriff's officials could not immediately say whether Hilmo has an attorney.
It's 1:00 a.m. and i'm still up
As i have been telling everybody, the Seminar is driving me crazy, right now i'm just taking a break because i still haven't found the material for assignment 3 for the seminar tomorrow, so if anybody knows of a good page to find good book reviews let me know, i will deeply aprecciate it. Tomorrow i also have to get early because i have a scholarship interview and something is for sure, i'm going to look like a zombie, because of the bags under my eyes, and i don't want for the interviewers to pity me because i look like a cadaver due to my Research in Writing class AKA The Seminar.
Anyway, at least today was a good day and i was able to bowl a little but my game sucked , my highest score was of 117.
My husband wants to buy the bowling equipment so that we don't have to rent it in the bowling alley but i say that we should use that money to fix the car first so, i'll let you know who wins the battle later.
"Sigue la regla de oro, el que tiene el oro hsce las reglas."
Follow the golden rule, the one with the gold makes the rules.
- Jaffar-
As i have been telling everybody, the Seminar is driving me crazy, right now i'm just taking a break because i still haven't found the material for assignment 3 for the seminar tomorrow, so if anybody knows of a good page to find good book reviews let me know, i will deeply aprecciate it. Tomorrow i also have to get early because i have a scholarship interview and something is for sure, i'm going to look like a zombie, because of the bags under my eyes, and i don't want for the interviewers to pity me because i look like a cadaver due to my Research in Writing class AKA The Seminar.
Anyway, at least today was a good day and i was able to bowl a little but my game sucked , my highest score was of 117.
My husband wants to buy the bowling equipment so that we don't have to rent it in the bowling alley but i say that we should use that money to fix the car first so, i'll let you know who wins the battle later.
"Sigue la regla de oro, el que tiene el oro hsce las reglas."
Follow the golden rule, the one with the gold makes the rules.
- Jaffar-
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
On Life and Death
Today in my lit class we were dealing with some 18 century poets that wrote their own epitaphs(the words that will be written on your grave) because they wanted to set out how they wanted to be remembered once they were dead. That took me to think, how i want to be remembered once I am no more, which i will not share with anyone but my pillow. Other than that, it made me reflect on the fact that nobody wants to be forgotten. Now this is a very strong fear that most of the human race carries in their hearts, next to the fear of death. But the truth is that we will all be forgotten, some quicker than others but in the end, we will all be a distant scent of something that was a long time ago, that's how generations works. That's why i pity the persons that spend all their lives trying to be remembered for doing great things and leave behind the possibility of actually enjoying their life and doing the little things that really make us important and at some point, unforgetable. Don't live all your life planning what you will do with your future because as someone once said, the future is today. So go and enjoy the simple pleasures of life at least once a day, give someone unknown a friendly smile, hug your kids and tell them that you love them, eat a chocolate bombom, have a big ice cream with sprinkles on top, make love to the one you hold dear, enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, play with your pet, help your neighbor, jumpfrom a plane, do whatever you think will make an unforgetable moment. You can be thinking right know that those are meager, insignificant things, but go ahead, try it I can guarantee you it's worth it. And last butnot least, who cares if others remember you or not, what should be important is that when you look back to your memories you'll say, "I lived a meaningful life, yes, I'm ready to go"
Today in my lit class we were dealing with some 18 century poets that wrote their own epitaphs(the words that will be written on your grave) because they wanted to set out how they wanted to be remembered once they were dead. That took me to think, how i want to be remembered once I am no more, which i will not share with anyone but my pillow. Other than that, it made me reflect on the fact that nobody wants to be forgotten. Now this is a very strong fear that most of the human race carries in their hearts, next to the fear of death. But the truth is that we will all be forgotten, some quicker than others but in the end, we will all be a distant scent of something that was a long time ago, that's how generations works. That's why i pity the persons that spend all their lives trying to be remembered for doing great things and leave behind the possibility of actually enjoying their life and doing the little things that really make us important and at some point, unforgetable. Don't live all your life planning what you will do with your future because as someone once said, the future is today. So go and enjoy the simple pleasures of life at least once a day, give someone unknown a friendly smile, hug your kids and tell them that you love them, eat a chocolate bombom, have a big ice cream with sprinkles on top, make love to the one you hold dear, enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, play with your pet, help your neighbor, jumpfrom a plane, do whatever you think will make an unforgetable moment. You can be thinking right know that those are meager, insignificant things, but go ahead, try it I can guarantee you it's worth it. And last butnot least, who cares if others remember you or not, what should be important is that when you look back to your memories you'll say, "I lived a meaningful life, yes, I'm ready to go"
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
On Human behavior
Why do people find it so hard to understand that there is no person that is perfect? We should never think that others are better than us. We should struggle trough the current of life to find our place, but never forget that we are human and that we have feelings and that we should stop every once in a while to cry, and clean our soul, to laugh, and refill our life points, to talk, so we can clear our minds and more importantly to help the ones that are always walking beside you and backing you up.
Why do people find it so hard to understand that there is no person that is perfect? We should never think that others are better than us. We should struggle trough the current of life to find our place, but never forget that we are human and that we have feelings and that we should stop every once in a while to cry, and clean our soul, to laugh, and refill our life points, to talk, so we can clear our minds and more importantly to help the ones that are always walking beside you and backing you up.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Back on the saddle
So the semester starts again and I will finally be able to go back to books again, what can i say, i'm half nerd. But I gotta admit that I am a little scared, just one more year and I graduate from college, and now is different becase now I am married and live far away from the campus and my husband may be getting a new job so he is not going to be able to take me to campus so i'm gonna have to drive myself there, why exactly am I scared, well, number one i've only had accidents since i've been driving, and the parking lot in the campus can be a very scary place in the rush hours, and besides, it's easier to find a spot in hell than to find a parking spot there. Other than that I am going to start with the real thing of the teaching courses so I have no idea yet of what do I have to do and where they are going to send me so I guess that has me a little nervous too. What can I say, I have the right to feel a little insecure too!
Maybe what's eating me is that i'm going to have to do everything alone. I know that I have my husband and I have friends but in the end, there are some things that you have to do by yourself, so I guess i'll deal with it as I always do, with my 4 step program to deal with changes:
1. Avoid the subject until the time is near(checked)
2. Have a panick attack a few days before
3. Accept it
4. Deal with it
To find out in the end that it wasn't that bad after all.
In other topics, i was completely dissapointed with the Simpsons movie, I expected something better.
So the semester starts again and I will finally be able to go back to books again, what can i say, i'm half nerd. But I gotta admit that I am a little scared, just one more year and I graduate from college, and now is different becase now I am married and live far away from the campus and my husband may be getting a new job so he is not going to be able to take me to campus so i'm gonna have to drive myself there, why exactly am I scared, well, number one i've only had accidents since i've been driving, and the parking lot in the campus can be a very scary place in the rush hours, and besides, it's easier to find a spot in hell than to find a parking spot there. Other than that I am going to start with the real thing of the teaching courses so I have no idea yet of what do I have to do and where they are going to send me so I guess that has me a little nervous too. What can I say, I have the right to feel a little insecure too!
Maybe what's eating me is that i'm going to have to do everything alone. I know that I have my husband and I have friends but in the end, there are some things that you have to do by yourself, so I guess i'll deal with it as I always do, with my 4 step program to deal with changes:
1. Avoid the subject until the time is near(checked)
2. Have a panick attack a few days before
3. Accept it
4. Deal with it
To find out in the end that it wasn't that bad after all.
In other topics, i was completely dissapointed with the Simpsons movie, I expected something better.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Internet is back!!!!!!
This is the first night in five days straight that i have internet service. The bastards are very good to bill me but not to give me a good service. Anyway,i've done nothing important, the only thing to report is that i finally bought myself a car. But i still don't have a license, ohh the irony!, i haven't take new pictures for Flickr but i will be in Cabo Rojo this week because my parents rented a cabana and they're staying there for the week, and of course, i will crash their party, i haven't bought anything new or interesting, the only interesting thing i've had in my hands lately is a motherboard and a dvd burner, because i helped my very intelligent very technological husband with a computer he was making new. Hope that everyone is alright, oh and Sharon, please don't let your feeling inside of you forever, they will make you age before time, so get it out!!!!Just kidding, you know i love you.
P.S. Transformers Rocks, it kick Pirates of the Caribbean right in Jack' Sparrow's balls.
This is the first night in five days straight that i have internet service. The bastards are very good to bill me but not to give me a good service. Anyway,i've done nothing important, the only thing to report is that i finally bought myself a car. But i still don't have a license, ohh the irony!, i haven't take new pictures for Flickr but i will be in Cabo Rojo this week because my parents rented a cabana and they're staying there for the week, and of course, i will crash their party, i haven't bought anything new or interesting, the only interesting thing i've had in my hands lately is a motherboard and a dvd burner, because i helped my very intelligent very technological husband with a computer he was making new. Hope that everyone is alright, oh and Sharon, please don't let your feeling inside of you forever, they will make you age before time, so get it out!!!!Just kidding, you know i love you.
P.S. Transformers Rocks, it kick Pirates of the Caribbean right in Jack' Sparrow's balls.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Movie Night
Today i went to see Evan Almighty, it is awesome, it's really worth the ticket. Since it had been a while since Nelson had some free time, i took him on a "date" and we went to graba a bite and then to see a movie. After that picked up a friend of his that had come from Mexico on vacation because he is studying medicine over there. They chatted for a little while and then Nelson took him home again and now I am going to sleep.
Ohh, and yesterday we went to play some pool and have a drink, so i guess my solitude its not that definitive, we are doing the best we can with time.
Today i went to see Evan Almighty, it is awesome, it's really worth the ticket. Since it had been a while since Nelson had some free time, i took him on a "date" and we went to graba a bite and then to see a movie. After that picked up a friend of his that had come from Mexico on vacation because he is studying medicine over there. They chatted for a little while and then Nelson took him home again and now I am going to sleep.
Ohh, and yesterday we went to play some pool and have a drink, so i guess my solitude its not that definitive, we are doing the best we can with time.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
It' 10:18 a.m. and i am here alone. I finished watching the Robot chicken episodes so i have nothing else to watch and i already made all the album pages of the honeymoon pictures. Today, Nelson is going to be working up 'till 9:00pm so it's going to be just me and the cats for the whole day. But i guess some sacrifices must be made in order for us to have a more stable economic life, so i understand its for the good of our kind, so i'll see what i do to fight boredom today.
In other news i wil be uploading some new pictures in Flicker so pass by and watch them, tell me what you think about them. Later....
It' 10:18 a.m. and i am here alone. I finished watching the Robot chicken episodes so i have nothing else to watch and i already made all the album pages of the honeymoon pictures. Today, Nelson is going to be working up 'till 9:00pm so it's going to be just me and the cats for the whole day. But i guess some sacrifices must be made in order for us to have a more stable economic life, so i understand its for the good of our kind, so i'll see what i do to fight boredom today.
In other news i wil be uploading some new pictures in Flicker so pass by and watch them, tell me what you think about them. Later....
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Another job for the list
Well, here is the 411 in my life, starting from the oldest happenings, the girls came and shared the beach and dinner with Nelson and me, we had a lot of fun in the beach with Nydia and Keyla and then they took us to dinner because they wanted to compensate because they were not able to go to the wedding, so i take that as a late wedding present, thank you girls.
In other news, Nelson got a new job, so he has two jobs now, i went with him to the job interview and waited for him in Marshalls, and first this old creep started stalking me and following me all around the store, so i left the store and stayed in front of the place where my husband was being interviewed, and a few moments later, this other creep starts hitting on me too, i was about to go bezerke when Nelson came out of the interview and i literally got up and clinged to his neck and he carried me as if i was a little monkey like ten steps away from where we were. When we where far enough i told Nelson what happened and he wanted to go back and punch the guy in the face, i did not let him, it would have ruined his interview. Men just have no respect for married women these days, i mean, not every women is looking to have an affair with the first Joe or John that hits on her, some of us, are HAPPILLY MARRIED.
In movie news yesterday i saw the Fantastic Four sequel, i give it a 10, it's great, still not better than Pirates of the Caribbean, but it's worth the trip to the movies.
And if you are a fan of good chocolate cake with ice cream here are my top three recommendations for those who cannot afford eating a Chili's Molten all the time you have a craving for good chocolate cake:
1. Church's Chocolate Volcano
2. Brownie Dream (from Creams and Dreams in Aguada)
3.Mc Donald's Brownie Sundae
That's it for today, later.
Well, here is the 411 in my life, starting from the oldest happenings, the girls came and shared the beach and dinner with Nelson and me, we had a lot of fun in the beach with Nydia and Keyla and then they took us to dinner because they wanted to compensate because they were not able to go to the wedding, so i take that as a late wedding present, thank you girls.
In other news, Nelson got a new job, so he has two jobs now, i went with him to the job interview and waited for him in Marshalls, and first this old creep started stalking me and following me all around the store, so i left the store and stayed in front of the place where my husband was being interviewed, and a few moments later, this other creep starts hitting on me too, i was about to go bezerke when Nelson came out of the interview and i literally got up and clinged to his neck and he carried me as if i was a little monkey like ten steps away from where we were. When we where far enough i told Nelson what happened and he wanted to go back and punch the guy in the face, i did not let him, it would have ruined his interview. Men just have no respect for married women these days, i mean, not every women is looking to have an affair with the first Joe or John that hits on her, some of us, are HAPPILLY MARRIED.
In movie news yesterday i saw the Fantastic Four sequel, i give it a 10, it's great, still not better than Pirates of the Caribbean, but it's worth the trip to the movies.
And if you are a fan of good chocolate cake with ice cream here are my top three recommendations for those who cannot afford eating a Chili's Molten all the time you have a craving for good chocolate cake:
1. Church's Chocolate Volcano
2. Brownie Dream (from Creams and Dreams in Aguada)
3.Mc Donald's Brownie Sundae
That's it for today, later.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Summer days
It's been a while since I saw somebody I know and had a decent intelligent conversation. But apart from that, summer has not been that bad. I've gone to the beach only once, we went to play some pool two days ago and had some beers, and yesterday I was so bored that I redecorated the whole house, changed curtains, linens, tablecloths, everything I could, and after that I cooked pasta, I did everything I could to keep myself busy. Gotta admit I miss college, I even miss Haydock's temper tantrums, I am not cut out to be a full time home maker, I miss books, I miss conversations, I miss interacting with people, and last but not least I miss my Boobie friends, which I have not seen since the day of the wedding.
Changing the subject to the weather, my God this summer has been so fucking hot, I would walk around naked if I could, because it is really hot out there, and even inside the house, I have all the windows open, and still the house feels like a darn oven.
Trying to make an intelligent comment, why is people so crazy about reality shows? Next week the Objetivo Fama jerks are coming to the Plaza de Festivales here in Isabela and people is crazy about it. Can someone explain to me, why? I mean, just because they will probably land a record deal will not make them worthy of admiration, once they have landed the third record deal, only then, maybe they will be worthy of admiration, but until then they are just a bunch of dream seekeer wannabes just like anybody else, so what's all the fuzz about? People, wake up, find something better to do, read a book or something.
It's been a while since I saw somebody I know and had a decent intelligent conversation. But apart from that, summer has not been that bad. I've gone to the beach only once, we went to play some pool two days ago and had some beers, and yesterday I was so bored that I redecorated the whole house, changed curtains, linens, tablecloths, everything I could, and after that I cooked pasta, I did everything I could to keep myself busy. Gotta admit I miss college, I even miss Haydock's temper tantrums, I am not cut out to be a full time home maker, I miss books, I miss conversations, I miss interacting with people, and last but not least I miss my Boobie friends, which I have not seen since the day of the wedding.
Changing the subject to the weather, my God this summer has been so fucking hot, I would walk around naked if I could, because it is really hot out there, and even inside the house, I have all the windows open, and still the house feels like a darn oven.
Trying to make an intelligent comment, why is people so crazy about reality shows? Next week the Objetivo Fama jerks are coming to the Plaza de Festivales here in Isabela and people is crazy about it. Can someone explain to me, why? I mean, just because they will probably land a record deal will not make them worthy of admiration, once they have landed the third record deal, only then, maybe they will be worthy of admiration, but until then they are just a bunch of dream seekeer wannabes just like anybody else, so what's all the fuzz about? People, wake up, find something better to do, read a book or something.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Lots of Free Time
Hi everyone, yesterday i went to the beach and once again i got a look of the beautiful sundowns in the beaches of Puerto Rico, i can't help it, i get recharged when i'm in contact with nature. Things like this make me realize that you don't have to be a millionaire to be rich, i already are.
In other topics, the house is a mess, i pick stuff up, few minuters later tyhe mess is even bigger, i do the dishes at lunch and a few hours later dishes have doubled, i've started considering to stop eating to see if the dishes dissapear, either that, or getting rid of porcelain and buying sanitary ones, to dispose of them when i am finished. And laundry, even laundry has gotten more complicated, every time i say to myself, the sun is hot, day is clear, ok, let's do laundry! A few hours l;ater it starts raining again, so that proves my theory that housekeepiung is not a natural instinct for women(It's a joke, don't feel offended Martha)So in the smallest words possible, I am as close to housekeeping perfection as the devil is to God's glory. But what can I do about it? Some are born to fly and some to crash, so i will crash the best i can. 8b
Oh and something else, Pan's Labyrinth kicks ass.
Hi everyone, yesterday i went to the beach and once again i got a look of the beautiful sundowns in the beaches of Puerto Rico, i can't help it, i get recharged when i'm in contact with nature. Things like this make me realize that you don't have to be a millionaire to be rich, i already are.
In other topics, the house is a mess, i pick stuff up, few minuters later tyhe mess is even bigger, i do the dishes at lunch and a few hours later dishes have doubled, i've started considering to stop eating to see if the dishes dissapear, either that, or getting rid of porcelain and buying sanitary ones, to dispose of them when i am finished. And laundry, even laundry has gotten more complicated, every time i say to myself, the sun is hot, day is clear, ok, let's do laundry! A few hours l;ater it starts raining again, so that proves my theory that housekeepiung is not a natural instinct for women(It's a joke, don't feel offended Martha)So in the smallest words possible, I am as close to housekeeping perfection as the devil is to God's glory. But what can I do about it? Some are born to fly and some to crash, so i will crash the best i can. 8b
Oh and something else, Pan's Labyrinth kicks ass.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Un Poema
Quisiera ser una ola
que va y viene perdida en la corriente.
Un mar de espuma, o tal
vez lava ardiente que al chocar con el
inmenso mar azul
se convierta en terreno que mas tarde
conquistes tu.
Pero mientras tanto ser muy libre,
llenarme de luz, de agua, de viento
de pasiones estancadas en el tiempo,
de amores de marinos
que van de puerto en puerto.
De ilusiones de nina,
de funciones de carnaval,
abrirle mi corazon al viento,
y nunca, nunca, dejar de
Quisiera ser una ola
que va y viene perdida en la corriente.
Un mar de espuma, o tal
vez lava ardiente que al chocar con el
inmenso mar azul
se convierta en terreno que mas tarde
conquistes tu.
Pero mientras tanto ser muy libre,
llenarme de luz, de agua, de viento
de pasiones estancadas en el tiempo,
de amores de marinos
que van de puerto en puerto.
De ilusiones de nina,
de funciones de carnaval,
abrirle mi corazon al viento,
y nunca, nunca, dejar de
Just an ordinary wednesday
Today was just like any other day, but more annoying and more painful. Today i had one of those pain attacks that i did not had since last summer and i've been all day lying down in bed, the only moment i got out of the room was to eat like at 2:30 and it was because Nelson made me eat. The house is a mess and i don't plan in cooking, in a while i'll just take my pills and go back to sleeping island, hoping that tomorrow it won't be as useless as today. Nevertheless, i have a question foreverybody feel free to answer, Do you think people is predestined to have a miserable life?( No, i'm not depressed, i'm just curious and want to have some opinions, kind of an experiment to see what answers i get)
Today was just like any other day, but more annoying and more painful. Today i had one of those pain attacks that i did not had since last summer and i've been all day lying down in bed, the only moment i got out of the room was to eat like at 2:30 and it was because Nelson made me eat. The house is a mess and i don't plan in cooking, in a while i'll just take my pills and go back to sleeping island, hoping that tomorrow it won't be as useless as today. Nevertheless, i have a question foreverybody feel free to answer, Do you think people is predestined to have a miserable life?( No, i'm not depressed, i'm just curious and want to have some opinions, kind of an experiment to see what answers i get)
Saturday, May 26, 2007
I'm back!!!!!!
Just to say that i am back from the honeymoon. The place where i stayed was great. would love to thank the boobies for beng there and for the gifts,they were great also. I would like to anoce that summer has oficially started and that i will be rooting here in Isabela because i have nothing to do this summer, so feel free to write anytime you want, I will be available. And also for those that thought that i was going to be unable t hld a wedding and have good grades, i got to A's and two B's, so (ja,n yur face). In other topics i'll see if i can find a summer job or something because if i don't do something this summer other than cooking and laundry, i will go crazy. Oh well, bye bye. Hope that everybody is doing great. Kisses.
Just to say that i am back from the honeymoon. The place where i stayed was great. would love to thank the boobies for beng there and for the gifts,they were great also. I would like to anoce that summer has oficially started and that i will be rooting here in Isabela because i have nothing to do this summer, so feel free to write anytime you want, I will be available. And also for those that thought that i was going to be unable t hld a wedding and have good grades, i got to A's and two B's, so (ja,n yur face). In other topics i'll see if i can find a summer job or something because if i don't do something this summer other than cooking and laundry, i will go crazy. Oh well, bye bye. Hope that everybody is doing great. Kisses.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Sinopsis of the week
Today will be a boring day, just like yesterday was a boring day, and just like tomorrow will be a boring day. But you know what? I don't care about it anymore, because the semester is over and i don't have to worry about school work anymore, 10 points for that.
Yesterday I kept putting things in order for the wedding, and bought a playstation 2 controller so that i could whoop my fiancee's ass in Soul Calibur III, and so i did. The sad note about yesterday is that when i went to the doctor to do the blood tests for the wedding, he told me that he feared that my blackouts could be cause by bloodsugar levels, so tomorrow i have to spend the whole morning i the laboratory, because the doctor wants the sugar level tests done. the will draw my blood every hour for 5 hours straight (yes people, OUCH!!!!)
On a sadder note, i called Keyla on tuesday night and when i finally could reach her, she was busy, and she had to be very busy and tired because she sounded really rude. But it's o.k. I understand that my boobies are really busy right now because of their respective works, so i don't hold grudges against anybody,(once again K-lo, sorry for the boboo with the invitation)
Oh, and about the 15th I have Haydocks final, he moved the book report to that day, ain't he sweet
(throwing darts at his picture)
So it will take more time than what i expected, but i hope that everything still the same about that day, notify me if anything changes please.
And last but not least, I miss you girls, and i wish that we could have more time to share togheter, but, what can we do about it, life is life, and sacrifices have to be done. Take care of yourselves and don't forget to write, hope that you can finish your works on time and succesfully.
Today will be a boring day, just like yesterday was a boring day, and just like tomorrow will be a boring day. But you know what? I don't care about it anymore, because the semester is over and i don't have to worry about school work anymore, 10 points for that.
Yesterday I kept putting things in order for the wedding, and bought a playstation 2 controller so that i could whoop my fiancee's ass in Soul Calibur III, and so i did. The sad note about yesterday is that when i went to the doctor to do the blood tests for the wedding, he told me that he feared that my blackouts could be cause by bloodsugar levels, so tomorrow i have to spend the whole morning i the laboratory, because the doctor wants the sugar level tests done. the will draw my blood every hour for 5 hours straight (yes people, OUCH!!!!)
On a sadder note, i called Keyla on tuesday night and when i finally could reach her, she was busy, and she had to be very busy and tired because she sounded really rude. But it's o.k. I understand that my boobies are really busy right now because of their respective works, so i don't hold grudges against anybody,(once again K-lo, sorry for the boboo with the invitation)
Oh, and about the 15th I have Haydocks final, he moved the book report to that day, ain't he sweet
(throwing darts at his picture)
So it will take more time than what i expected, but i hope that everything still the same about that day, notify me if anything changes please.
And last but not least, I miss you girls, and i wish that we could have more time to share togheter, but, what can we do about it, life is life, and sacrifices have to be done. Take care of yourselves and don't forget to write, hope that you can finish your works on time and succesfully.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
13 days and the countdown continues...
Only 13 days left until i tie the knot and I couldn't be more excited. Most of the stuff is already done but still i have finals, can
you believe that i have a history final the day before the wedding? That's a crime! I am going
to look like the bride of Frankenstein the day of the wedding thanks to the Colegio. As a wedding gift they are going to give me owl eyes, ain't that sweet?(sarcasm overflowing). By the way, good luck everyone with your finals and as for the boobies, hope to see you before the wedding(if you know what i mean) Oh, and by the way, sorry for the missing invitation Vivi, yes you are invited, but since i did not knew that you were going to be in the island for that date, i did not prepared an invitation(so i guess that one's my bad)but i hope to see you there with the other boobies, K-lo you are MIA where are you women?
I can't wait for the day to arrive(smiling like an idiot sitting in a cloud)
Only 13 days left until i tie the knot and I couldn't be more excited. Most of the stuff is already done but still i have finals, can
you believe that i have a history final the day before the wedding? That's a crime! I am going
to look like the bride of Frankenstein the day of the wedding thanks to the Colegio. As a wedding gift they are going to give me owl eyes, ain't that sweet?(sarcasm overflowing). By the way, good luck everyone with your finals and as for the boobies, hope to see you before the wedding(if you know what i mean) Oh, and by the way, sorry for the missing invitation Vivi, yes you are invited, but since i did not knew that you were going to be in the island for that date, i did not prepared an invitation(so i guess that one's my bad)but i hope to see you there with the other boobies, K-lo you are MIA where are you women?
I can't wait for the day to arrive(smiling like an idiot sitting in a cloud)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
The mother of all days...
Today i had the mother of all the history test, but i think i did fine. Today was a weird day, first, one of my friends from EDSA called me in the morning because they needed my help for something, why weird? because they never ask for my help. Second, when we were filling the tank in the gas station at 8:30 am, there was 18-19 year old with a 30 something man who was her lover and they were having beers so early in the morning. Gotta admit that the situation was both sad and pathetic, that man could have been her father. Third, we went to Burger King to have some breakfast and there were some guys having whopers for breakfast, and the cashier asked us like 7 times if the croisandwich was with ham when we clearly told her 7 times that it was with bacon. Then when i got to campus, the proffessor was totally comprehensive when i couldn't make it to class, after that i went to the library looking for silence to study for my test, and the library was like a public park, women make noises with their heels, people talking with their cell phones, people talking in groups all around, as if they were in the library just for the air conditioner.Then i decided to have lunch in the cafeteria and the food was actually good! That's new one. The spanish professor actually said relevant things today, something that she never had done since the semester started. Add to that that my mom called me to tell me that the wedding dresses had to be changed and that my dad did not argued to give me money and we have the formula to the weirdest day ever.
Analisis of:
Situation #1: maybe there was nobody else available.
Situation #2: morality and values are going down the toilet
Situation #3: young people rarely eat healthy, they don't care because they think youth is forever
Situation #4: That cashier was really dumb!!!!!
Situation #5: Haydock had his "morning coffee" before going to class
Situation #6: People just haves no respect for rules, or personal space anymore.
Situation #7: That was just pure luck!!
Situation #8: The professor is finally realizing that at least 50% of the class will have a grade o C average because of her "teaching style"
Situation#9: My mom can solve anything without my help.
Situation #10: My dad is getting old.
So there you go, ten plagues, ten scientific explanations.
I rest my case, but still, the day was weird.
Today i had the mother of all the history test, but i think i did fine. Today was a weird day, first, one of my friends from EDSA called me in the morning because they needed my help for something, why weird? because they never ask for my help. Second, when we were filling the tank in the gas station at 8:30 am, there was 18-19 year old with a 30 something man who was her lover and they were having beers so early in the morning. Gotta admit that the situation was both sad and pathetic, that man could have been her father. Third, we went to Burger King to have some breakfast and there were some guys having whopers for breakfast, and the cashier asked us like 7 times if the croisandwich was with ham when we clearly told her 7 times that it was with bacon. Then when i got to campus, the proffessor was totally comprehensive when i couldn't make it to class, after that i went to the library looking for silence to study for my test, and the library was like a public park, women make noises with their heels, people talking with their cell phones, people talking in groups all around, as if they were in the library just for the air conditioner.Then i decided to have lunch in the cafeteria and the food was actually good! That's new one. The spanish professor actually said relevant things today, something that she never had done since the semester started. Add to that that my mom called me to tell me that the wedding dresses had to be changed and that my dad did not argued to give me money and we have the formula to the weirdest day ever.
Analisis of:
Situation #1: maybe there was nobody else available.
Situation #2: morality and values are going down the toilet
Situation #3: young people rarely eat healthy, they don't care because they think youth is forever
Situation #4: That cashier was really dumb!!!!!
Situation #5: Haydock had his "morning coffee" before going to class
Situation #6: People just haves no respect for rules, or personal space anymore.
Situation #7: That was just pure luck!!
Situation #8: The professor is finally realizing that at least 50% of the class will have a grade o C average because of her "teaching style"
Situation#9: My mom can solve anything without my help.
Situation #10: My dad is getting old.
So there you go, ten plagues, ten scientific explanations.
I rest my case, but still, the day was weird.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Weekend from heaven...
Hi! Sorry i've been MIA but this weekend i was doing the retirement that we have to do in order to get married via the catholic church. In the beggining i thought it was going to be torture but it was a wonderful experience that i am willing to go through all over again. It was beatiful and it helped us(Me and my soon very soon to be eternal love) a lot as a couple. We really had a great time. Let's just say that we found the missing part of our relationship, and that was God. Now we really are complete as a soon to be matrimony and as a couple. Now i feel that we really are ready to take the final steps, which are at the same time the first steps to a new life together.
In other topics, i blame Stella for spreading the ebay fever, my new purse should be arriving soon, pictures will be posted as soon as i get it. Socom 4 will also be arriving soon to my home too because the fever spread widely and even my fiancee got it. But, I also thank her for the clothes, i did kept some items like the white jacket with the green and blue stripes and some jeans, the rest will go to charity. Also i would like to excuse myself for not being able to share with Sharon on her birthday but she knows where i was.
In other news, my cousin/sister had a car accident and the car was a total loss, luckily she passed unharmed, just a few scratches and a big scare.
So that's it for me, more info as it pops along.
Hi! Sorry i've been MIA but this weekend i was doing the retirement that we have to do in order to get married via the catholic church. In the beggining i thought it was going to be torture but it was a wonderful experience that i am willing to go through all over again. It was beatiful and it helped us(Me and my soon very soon to be eternal love) a lot as a couple. We really had a great time. Let's just say that we found the missing part of our relationship, and that was God. Now we really are complete as a soon to be matrimony and as a couple. Now i feel that we really are ready to take the final steps, which are at the same time the first steps to a new life together.
In other topics, i blame Stella for spreading the ebay fever, my new purse should be arriving soon, pictures will be posted as soon as i get it. Socom 4 will also be arriving soon to my home too because the fever spread widely and even my fiancee got it. But, I also thank her for the clothes, i did kept some items like the white jacket with the green and blue stripes and some jeans, the rest will go to charity. Also i would like to excuse myself for not being able to share with Sharon on her birthday but she knows where i was.
In other news, my cousin/sister had a car accident and the car was a total loss, luckily she passed unharmed, just a few scratches and a big scare.
So that's it for me, more info as it pops along.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Back to the old routine...
Tomorrow i go back to the old routine, travelling to campus again and taking class until is late, but what the heck? springbreak can't last forever. Anyway, yesterday was my birthday and my baby had something in store for me, he prepared me a surprise party and everything in his parents house, even my parents and my sisters came over from Guayanilla, andthe cake was pink, and he gave a makeup case as a present and everything was great and perfect. It was one of the best days ever because i also got to reunite all my bridal party at once and finally coordinate about their dresses. I thank my beautiful fiancee for giing me such a great gift, the gift of love and security, I love you baby and I am looking forwarf to the day we finally become husband and wife( and then we can really start to party if you know what i mean;)
Tomorrow i go back to the old routine, travelling to campus again and taking class until is late, but what the heck? springbreak can't last forever. Anyway, yesterday was my birthday and my baby had something in store for me, he prepared me a surprise party and everything in his parents house, even my parents and my sisters came over from Guayanilla, andthe cake was pink, and he gave a makeup case as a present and everything was great and perfect. It was one of the best days ever because i also got to reunite all my bridal party at once and finally coordinate about their dresses. I thank my beautiful fiancee for giing me such a great gift, the gift of love and security, I love you baby and I am looking forwarf to the day we finally become husband and wife( and then we can really start to party if you know what i mean;)
Saturday, April 07, 2007
On the hunt... Yet but another wedding post
Today we were on the hunt for a bride and groom figurine, you know we wanted to have it as a keepsake even though we will have no reception, so we went to this cake creations shop where we though we could find something, and so we did, but here was the catch, it was than 4 inches tall,it was like 3 inches wide, it was a cutie and it was 75.00 dollars, (ouch!!!) the twenty dollar bills were bigger than the figurine, so i decided that somewhere in the world there had to be something as cute for a little less money, so i sobbed a little and left the shop empty handed. I never though wedding things were so expensive.No wonder most of the people only get married once, because after that, they are not able to pay for it again(ja,ja).
Changing the subject a little and focusing on tomorrow, Happy Easter everyone, oh, and happy birthday toooooooo(drumroll please) ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!, yes people as wrong as I am, i was born an easter sunday, talk about weird thing in the world.
PS. Finally the invitations are done.
Today we were on the hunt for a bride and groom figurine, you know we wanted to have it as a keepsake even though we will have no reception, so we went to this cake creations shop where we though we could find something, and so we did, but here was the catch, it was than 4 inches tall,it was like 3 inches wide, it was a cutie and it was 75.00 dollars, (ouch!!!) the twenty dollar bills were bigger than the figurine, so i decided that somewhere in the world there had to be something as cute for a little less money, so i sobbed a little and left the shop empty handed. I never though wedding things were so expensive.No wonder most of the people only get married once, because after that, they are not able to pay for it again(ja,ja).
Changing the subject a little and focusing on tomorrow, Happy Easter everyone, oh, and happy birthday toooooooo(drumroll please) ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!, yes people as wrong as I am, i was born an easter sunday, talk about weird thing in the world.
PS. Finally the invitations are done.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
More Wedding Posts
Hi everyone, yesterday i went to see the cake lady and I know that the cake will be beautiful, small, but beautiful and it only cost me 55.00 bucks so it's a real steal. We(because the groom is really involved) also went to talk with the photographer yesterday and he showed to us really beautiful pieces but the thing is that even thought he is making some arrangements with us, the package still costs 575.00 bucks, yeah, i almost had a heart attack when he said the price and this is only for the pictures to be taken in church and in the setting we chose for them. The groom says it is a good price but i say it's too much to spend in pictures, so we are seeing what we can do about that. The invitations are still on their way i haven't finished preparing the envelopes and i still have to study for a few tests i have when spring break is over, so life can never be pink, not even for a bride to be... Anyway, but i have to stop procrastinating on my college stuff because if i get bad grades this semester, i will be depressed on my wedding day and that is not cool.
The only sad note about it is that the groom is mad at his mom s right now they are not talking to each other, but i am working on that. Second par of the sad note is that Nyd is going to be on Canada so she will not be there on the church, and the third part of the sad note is that the most probable thing is that the boobies will be so occupied that maybe i will not be able to see them before the wedding, but, life goes on.
More info as it pops along.
Hi everyone, yesterday i went to see the cake lady and I know that the cake will be beautiful, small, but beautiful and it only cost me 55.00 bucks so it's a real steal. We(because the groom is really involved) also went to talk with the photographer yesterday and he showed to us really beautiful pieces but the thing is that even thought he is making some arrangements with us, the package still costs 575.00 bucks, yeah, i almost had a heart attack when he said the price and this is only for the pictures to be taken in church and in the setting we chose for them. The groom says it is a good price but i say it's too much to spend in pictures, so we are seeing what we can do about that. The invitations are still on their way i haven't finished preparing the envelopes and i still have to study for a few tests i have when spring break is over, so life can never be pink, not even for a bride to be... Anyway, but i have to stop procrastinating on my college stuff because if i get bad grades this semester, i will be depressed on my wedding day and that is not cool.
The only sad note about it is that the groom is mad at his mom s right now they are not talking to each other, but i am working on that. Second par of the sad note is that Nyd is going to be on Canada so she will not be there on the church, and the third part of the sad note is that the most probable thing is that the boobies will be so occupied that maybe i will not be able to see them before the wedding, but, life goes on.
More info as it pops along.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Very long day...
First of all, today was a day from hell, but so it is every day at the Colegio. EDSA gave an orientation activity to middle school kids and i was there, the worst part was we had to walk to the town center and back without even eating there
because we had a presenntation and there was no time to waste in making lines, and after that i had a presentation in an education class and after that i had to take the regular classes, all this in heels people, not good for the feet, not good for the back. In other topics, I am
really happy that K-lo FINALLY will be able to go to the Gwen Stefani concert that deserves the smile of the day:), i am
also counting that you did a very good job with the certification test, there is no doubt about that.
because we had a presenntation and there was no time to waste in making lines, and after that i had a presentation in an education class and after that i had to take the regular classes, all this in heels people, not good for the feet, not good for the back. In other topics, I am
really happy that K-lo FINALLY will be able to go to the Gwen Stefani concert that deserves the smile of the day:), i am
also counting that you did a very good job with the certification test, there is no doubt about that.
I have no more new wedding news until now, only that the invitations should be on their way in April. Good to know that you Boobies are o.k.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
The Countdown continues.....
Yesterday we were trying to make the invitations the way we wanted but everything failed, we are going to start over with a different concept as soon as possible. Another important detail is that i was going to have no cake but now I will have a cake, because my mom wants a cake and she said she would pay for it so she can have her cake in the wedding. I still need to buy my white shoes but things had got a little bit complicated because the grooms dad feel down the stairs and is under medication and rest, so we had to be with him in the hospital all day thursday until he was x-rayed and we made sure that everything was o.k. My dad had surgery because of a hernia, and the mom of the groom was getting a colonoscopy done all in the same week, so we have been sidetracked a little but health comes first, parties later so we are ok with the situation and dealing with it as better as we can. The best man already has his tux(that's great something less to worry about) and I already made the reservations for the honeymoon so that is already out of the way. I still think that with the Lord's help everything will be just fine.
Yesterday we were trying to make the invitations the way we wanted but everything failed, we are going to start over with a different concept as soon as possible. Another important detail is that i was going to have no cake but now I will have a cake, because my mom wants a cake and she said she would pay for it so she can have her cake in the wedding. I still need to buy my white shoes but things had got a little bit complicated because the grooms dad feel down the stairs and is under medication and rest, so we had to be with him in the hospital all day thursday until he was x-rayed and we made sure that everything was o.k. My dad had surgery because of a hernia, and the mom of the groom was getting a colonoscopy done all in the same week, so we have been sidetracked a little but health comes first, parties later so we are ok with the situation and dealing with it as better as we can. The best man already has his tux(that's great something less to worry about) and I already made the reservations for the honeymoon so that is already out of the way. I still think that with the Lord's help everything will be just fine.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
On friday i went shopping for my wedding dress and i got it, exactly as i wanted it. Gotta give two thumbs up for the David's Bridals consultant, she was a doll with us. It was also really nice that we got to spent the rest of the day with my family, everyone together, just like old times you know, when me and my siblings were younger, i got also to see my cat at my parents home and the poor thing is getting old, it's gonna break my heart if something happens to that little piece of heaven with four paws. Anyways, it was a great day, i got the dress, the day after the groom got his tux, just the way i wanted it, and that same day my mother and my bridal party got their dresses just the way i asked for it, and i got my flower girl and my ring bearer, the only thing i am missing is a madrina, but i'll see about that. oh, and i still have to create the invitations, but that will be done, later.
On friday i went shopping for my wedding dress and i got it, exactly as i wanted it. Gotta give two thumbs up for the David's Bridals consultant, she was a doll with us. It was also really nice that we got to spent the rest of the day with my family, everyone together, just like old times you know, when me and my siblings were younger, i got also to see my cat at my parents home and the poor thing is getting old, it's gonna break my heart if something happens to that little piece of heaven with four paws. Anyways, it was a great day, i got the dress, the day after the groom got his tux, just the way i wanted it, and that same day my mother and my bridal party got their dresses just the way i asked for it, and i got my flower girl and my ring bearer, the only thing i am missing is a madrina, but i'll see about that. oh, and i still have to create the invitations, but that will be done, later.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Just another day...
... in the life of a soon to be bride/college student/home maker/pet care taker(i rhymed, that's never good) today i am going to the printing office to see wheter we pay for the invitations to be created or we create them ourselves, but right now the soon to be groom is way ton distracted, and it is all my fault, i made the worst mistake a girlfriend can ever make, giving him a new video game when we are in the middle of preparations.(yeah, i know what you are thinking, i thought about taking it away, but it wopuld be like trying to take away food from a hungry dog)
So i'll see how that goes. Apart from that, i'm mad at my friens because i e-mailed them about the wedding so that they would communicate with me and they haven't called, so two thumbs down for them right now :( Today is my appointment at the boutique to see the dress so let's see how that goes, i'm really happy about because my sister made the appointment and she rarely does anything for me so that's good. Gotta go, for lunch, I'm having fish, my favorite.
... in the life of a soon to be bride/college student/home maker/pet care taker(i rhymed, that's never good) today i am going to the printing office to see wheter we pay for the invitations to be created or we create them ourselves, but right now the soon to be groom is way ton distracted, and it is all my fault, i made the worst mistake a girlfriend can ever make, giving him a new video game when we are in the middle of preparations.(yeah, i know what you are thinking, i thought about taking it away, but it wopuld be like trying to take away food from a hungry dog)
So i'll see how that goes. Apart from that, i'm mad at my friens because i e-mailed them about the wedding so that they would communicate with me and they haven't called, so two thumbs down for them right now :( Today is my appointment at the boutique to see the dress so let's see how that goes, i'm really happy about because my sister made the appointment and she rarely does anything for me so that's good. Gotta go, for lunch, I'm having fish, my favorite.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Wedding Preparations
God, is not easy to plan a wedding, . The wedding thing is definitive. And it was difficult but we are gonna get married trough the catholic church, but we have to take some three day courses in April to achieve it, everything is going acciording to plan, we got the chapel we wanted, daddy is going to get me the dress as a gift, we got the restaurant we wanted, the place for the pictures is beautiful, wso i guess everything is going according to plan. Yes, no reception, what we will do is a nice dinner with the inmediate family and then, after that we leave to our honeymoon destination, and that is a secret.But at least i would love to have my closest friends at church with me, still don't know, we have to check the guest list together. But anyways, i am hoping that it will be cool.
God, is not easy to plan a wedding, . The wedding thing is definitive. And it was difficult but we are gonna get married trough the catholic church, but we have to take some three day courses in April to achieve it, everything is going acciording to plan, we got the chapel we wanted, daddy is going to get me the dress as a gift, we got the restaurant we wanted, the place for the pictures is beautiful, wso i guess everything is going according to plan. Yes, no reception, what we will do is a nice dinner with the inmediate family and then, after that we leave to our honeymoon destination, and that is a secret.But at least i would love to have my closest friends at church with me, still don't know, we have to check the guest list together. But anyways, i am hoping that it will be cool.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
It's been a while
It is decided, we are getting married on May. Exact timing i will tellk you later
because that it's not settled yet but you know i want you there in church so
i will be telling you later. Things are ok, haydock still driving me nuts and the
EDES professor, god! I wish she was smited by Zeus in the butt. That bitch
gave us an 18 questions quiz. I really hate her guts right now. Apart from
that i discored a few days ago, that Mileena my pet cat, was Miller, yes people
the balls came out, so i guess i have to accept bthat my little girl is a little
boy. Other than that, everything is fine, Young Authors Fair is next saturday
just in case you want to know. Later.
It is decided, we are getting married on May. Exact timing i will tellk you later
because that it's not settled yet but you know i want you there in church so
i will be telling you later. Things are ok, haydock still driving me nuts and the
EDES professor, god! I wish she was smited by Zeus in the butt. That bitch
gave us an 18 questions quiz. I really hate her guts right now. Apart from
that i discored a few days ago, that Mileena my pet cat, was Miller, yes people
the balls came out, so i guess i have to accept bthat my little girl is a little
boy. Other than that, everything is fine, Young Authors Fair is next saturday
just in case you want to know. Later.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentines Day
I hope that everyone got to spend their Valentine's day with the ones they love,
I know I did. I prepared a nice romantic home dinner, with candles and wine and
when my love came home from work, he was totally surprised. In the morning he
was a little sad because we were not going to be able to go out on Valentine's day
because he would have to work but I wanted to prove to him that you don't need
fancy restaurants and stuff to spend a nice Valentine's day with the one you love.
This, was our first Valentine's day together, and it was the best Valentine's day for
the both of us, because now we have each other, it's like the song says, now there's
two less lonely people in the world. Oh, but don't think I made the only gift, he
surprised me with a gift and the symbol of our union, a unique and beautiful blue
rose. So at least for me, this Valentine's day was the best i've ever had. Hope that
it was the same for everybody else. ;)
I hope that everyone got to spend their Valentine's day with the ones they love,
I know I did. I prepared a nice romantic home dinner, with candles and wine and
when my love came home from work, he was totally surprised. In the morning he
was a little sad because we were not going to be able to go out on Valentine's day
because he would have to work but I wanted to prove to him that you don't need
fancy restaurants and stuff to spend a nice Valentine's day with the one you love.
This, was our first Valentine's day together, and it was the best Valentine's day for
the both of us, because now we have each other, it's like the song says, now there's
two less lonely people in the world. Oh, but don't think I made the only gift, he
surprised me with a gift and the symbol of our union, a unique and beautiful blue
rose. So at least for me, this Valentine's day was the best i've ever had. Hope that
it was the same for everybody else. ;)
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Long, long Friday.
So this is what happened. Yesterday I went to help in the Optika
Symposium thinking that I was gonna get paid for it.
Well, aparently the lack of communication between the people in charge is
going to make my work pro bonno and I wasted a friday, made an unnecassary
trip to Mayaguez and earned a fight with my man, just because because
of it and all in vain because I couldn't enjoy anything from the activity and i
got was stupid students asking What's in there? Just not to go in after I
wasted my saliva and my time explaining them everything I could make
up to say, because the other thing was that, I had no specific instructions or
a description of the activity. But at least I left at 5:30, I feel pity for the tech
girl that had to wait until everything was done to pick up the tech stuff from the
auditorium. But anyway, as always the lack of communication between the people
in charge in the campus caused every other person that was involved too
one or two headaches, because they never know how things are
going to turn, everything has to be De La Manga Production, when it comes to the people
in El Colegio making an activity of any kind.
So this is what happened. Yesterday I went to help in the Optika
Symposium thinking that I was gonna get paid for it.
Well, aparently the lack of communication between the people in charge is
going to make my work pro bonno and I wasted a friday, made an unnecassary
trip to Mayaguez and earned a fight with my man, just because because
of it and all in vain because I couldn't enjoy anything from the activity and i
got was stupid students asking What's in there? Just not to go in after I
wasted my saliva and my time explaining them everything I could make
up to say, because the other thing was that, I had no specific instructions or
a description of the activity. But at least I left at 5:30, I feel pity for the tech
girl that had to wait until everything was done to pick up the tech stuff from the
auditorium. But anyway, as always the lack of communication between the people
in charge in the campus caused every other person that was involved too
one or two headaches, because they never know how things are
going to turn, everything has to be De La Manga Production, when it comes to the people
in El Colegio making an activity of any kind.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Back from the dead...
Apologies for being MIA but this semester is driving me crazy and I
barely have time for myself. Even my computer had to take a break
and the motherboard replaced, so as you can read I had no computer for a while. But I am fine, dealing with life and with Haydock, learning everyday more of how to speak
old english, gotta admit that is cool even though it is sometimes
stressing (linguistic joke) , other than that I am fine, but still broke. Anyways, I think I might dedicate myself now to photography as a hobby, here is my 1st masterpiece, I called it:
Long day studying. Enjoy.
Apologies for being MIA but this semester is driving me crazy and I
barely have time for myself. Even my computer had to take a break
and the motherboard replaced, so as you can read I had no computer for a while. But I am fine, dealing with life and with Haydock, learning everyday more of how to speak
old english, gotta admit that is cool even though it is sometimes
stressing (linguistic joke) , other than that I am fine, but still broke. Anyways, I think I might dedicate myself now to photography as a hobby, here is my 1st masterpiece, I called it:
Long day studying. Enjoy.

Saturday, January 13, 2007
Another semester starts
So as I already said, another semester starts. I hope that Ican do as well as always this semester too. Some say this semester will be easy for me because I only got classes two days in the week. But guess what i have four classes in only those two days so I guess I will drive myself nuts whenever exams come, but I can cope. Things seem to be getting better economically and me and my soon to be husband are doing great and you know, trying everyday to keep things under control. We may be changing cars because of the financial thing but hey, as long as we don't have to rely on public transportation anything will suffice. Talking about my matters, I'm a little pissed off because I missed a literature conference that was goimg to be happening yesterday and today on campus, but I didn't had a way to get there nor a way to pay for the entrance fee, so what can I say, I was screwed, also I saw my boobie friends and at last I could give them their crhistmas presents(at last, better late than ever)The only present that i still have on me is Keila's, but as soon as I see her I will give it to her. Lately i've been entertaining myself playing domino with my fiance's grandparents and it has been really cool because they kick our butts every once in a while in the game but still, we have a good time. All I ask from this semester is for things to get better financially speaking and to have time(and that they have time) to share good things with my good friends and family.Bye
So as I already said, another semester starts. I hope that Ican do as well as always this semester too. Some say this semester will be easy for me because I only got classes two days in the week. But guess what i have four classes in only those two days so I guess I will drive myself nuts whenever exams come, but I can cope. Things seem to be getting better economically and me and my soon to be husband are doing great and you know, trying everyday to keep things under control. We may be changing cars because of the financial thing but hey, as long as we don't have to rely on public transportation anything will suffice. Talking about my matters, I'm a little pissed off because I missed a literature conference that was goimg to be happening yesterday and today on campus, but I didn't had a way to get there nor a way to pay for the entrance fee, so what can I say, I was screwed, also I saw my boobie friends and at last I could give them their crhistmas presents(at last, better late than ever)The only present that i still have on me is Keila's, but as soon as I see her I will give it to her. Lately i've been entertaining myself playing domino with my fiance's grandparents and it has been really cool because they kick our butts every once in a while in the game but still, we have a good time. All I ask from this semester is for things to get better financially speaking and to have time(and that they have time) to share good things with my good friends and family.Bye
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