Ok so I just finished watching Eclipse and here is my take on it:
Bella is a bitch. She is manipulative, insecure, dependant and sways to wherever temperature takes her. When she is cold she turns to Jake when she is hot she turns to Edward.
Edward is the biggest “cabr**” in history, I mean for God’s sake she kissed Jake and told him she loved him in front of him, I mean WTF?
In the end she tells him it wasn't a choice between Edward and Jacob it was a choice between who she is and who they expect her to be, so she is a cold hearted bloodsucking bitch? Is that what she is trying to tell us.
Edward is the perfect profile of an abusive, over-protective, stalking boyfriend, He messed up her car so that she would not go out meet with friends, he has her with him at all times (even at bed time he sleeps next to her and spies on her thoughts) he tells her where to go, who to see, who to talk to, he even uses the typical line, -I trust you, I just don’t trust him.-WTF? Also he wants her to marry him only because that way he can officially have all the power over her (as if he doesn’t already)
This movie is the perfect profile of an abusive relationship. I don’t understand how so many women can read this books and love them. Edward is the abusive controlling boyfriend and Jacob is the knight in shining wolf skin while Bella… well, Bella… she is a sack of dirty laundry that they toss from hand to hand because she cannot do anything by herself, she is more of a pet than a woman.
Thank you Stephanie Meyer for reinforcing the stereotype that women are useless without a man around to protect them, thank you so much. I really would love to know how do you sleep at night knowing the damage you have caused to generations of young women who let themselves be influenced by your chauvinistic religious anti feminist bullsh**. But that's ok, I'm sure Jesus told you to do it (that's what all religious whacko's say).
Your books only prove one thing, humanity is really fu**ed up, specially the women that dream that someday a controlling, cold hearted, life sucking, craddle robbing “man” like Edward will come and strip them of their personality.
Just a petite size amazon putting her skills to the test in order to survive in a planet ruled by testosterone ( and sometimes major stupidity).
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
About trust and other demons
It takes a whole lifetime to know a person. To build trust and feel comfortable with the one you claim to love takes a marathonic effort and commitment from both parts. As I was watching yesterday the movie “The Women” I realized that things are not what they appear, they never are. Once we lose trust in the person that has slept with us for so many years, we feel that the world comes crushing down and that life bitch-slaps us in the face. Add to that how so many women get lost into fulfilling the family dream of the husband forgetting that they are human beings with dreams and goals too. Also, as I was having a conversation/argument with a single 57 year old that seems to abhor marriage as an institution, I realized that some worlds cannot come together, they are destined to constantly and repeatedly clash because we can’t seem to make them together, reconciliation between the two’s and the one’s will forever be an impossible mission.
There is a phrase that says, “you have to know where you are coming from to know where you are going”, and I do believe there is truth in it. We must learn from our past, from the mistakes made by those before us so that we don’t make the same mistakes all over again. After all, isn’t that the point of having access to our past? The same thing happens with marriage. The institution of marriage has a very tormented past when it comes to women and the role we play within it, but time has passed and people has changed, women have changed. My mother always taught me, “If it fits, you wear it, if it doesn’t, you discard it” and I believe that is the best way to approach marriage nowadays. Maybe that’s why I find so fascinating the portrayal of the marriage of Carrie and Big in the new Sex and The City movie. What’s wrong with wanting some time for yourself? We have to stop being slaves to conventionalisms and remold our personal realities to fit our needs, without caring what anyone else might think about it. Besides, at the end of the day it’s just two in the bedroom, the whole world sleeps outside, and outside it should stay.
There is a phrase that says, “you have to know where you are coming from to know where you are going”, and I do believe there is truth in it. We must learn from our past, from the mistakes made by those before us so that we don’t make the same mistakes all over again. After all, isn’t that the point of having access to our past? The same thing happens with marriage. The institution of marriage has a very tormented past when it comes to women and the role we play within it, but time has passed and people has changed, women have changed. My mother always taught me, “If it fits, you wear it, if it doesn’t, you discard it” and I believe that is the best way to approach marriage nowadays. Maybe that’s why I find so fascinating the portrayal of the marriage of Carrie and Big in the new Sex and The City movie. What’s wrong with wanting some time for yourself? We have to stop being slaves to conventionalisms and remold our personal realities to fit our needs, without caring what anyone else might think about it. Besides, at the end of the day it’s just two in the bedroom, the whole world sleeps outside, and outside it should stay.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Dijere la musa al poeta
Déjame ser el alma que se pierde en los pliegues de tu mirada;
Déjame ser la sombra que se escurre en las curvas de tu mano morena;
Déjame ser el abrazo tibio de la brisa de una noche veraniega,
Déjame estar a tu lado, porque el tiempo que de tus manos vuela.
No, no importa lo larga que sea la noche, la tristeza, la tortura o la condena.
Déjame ser tu abrigo, tú más fiel confidente, tu amiga, tu amante y tu compañera.
Deja que te abrace con el fuego apasionado que consume la leña en la hoguera,
Soy tu creación, soy tu vida,
Soy tu letra, soy tu poema.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Por que no puedes soltar el bendito celular?/ Why can't you just put the phone down?
Yo no estoy en contra del multi-tasking, considero que hay seres humanos lo suficientemente capaces como para llevar a cabo más de una tarea a la vez, pero todo tiene un límite. Porque la gente no puede conducir sin estar pegada a un celular? As far as I know, cuando tú vas a coger el examen para sacar la licencia se te requieren las dos manos en el volante, no una en el volante y otra en la oreja aguantando el celular. Se lo que me van a decir, “yo lo hago por que ahorra tiempo, y puedo resolver las cosas mientras voy de camino” o el típico “es que es una emergencia” y no estoy en contra de eso, pero obviamente las personas que incurren en estas conductas deberían tener un poco de sentido común y saber cuándo es necesario ‘colgar’. El más reciente ejemplo de la preocupación que comparto con ustedes hoy me sucedió a mí hace un par de horas.
Los que han llegado hasta mi humilde Baticueva (aka mi casa) sabrán que hay que tomar una parte de la carretera en la que solo caben dos carros pequeños a la vez (y eso va a depender en el punto del tramo en que se encuentren de frente los vehículos). Pero anyway, moving on con la situación. Yo vengo en mi carro, a poca velocidad ya que sé que el tramo es un poco peligroso, y casi al terminarlo me encuentro frente a frente, foco con foco, con un caballero en una F-150, que no solo venía a exceso de velocidad en un área urbana sino que para mi sorpresa, también venia distraído hablando por el celular. Dado el punto del tramo en el ocurre el encuentro, yo no puedo retroceder para que él pase, así que le toca a él retroceder ya que él si tiene el espacio. Después de mirarme atravesa’o, (como si la situación fuera mi culpa por yo simplemente estar pasando por ahí para volver a mi casa cuando él tiene mucha prisa) volteó su cuello, puso la guagua en reversa y retrocedió de mala manera, todo este procedimiento sin soltar el celular ni un segundo. Un poco de sentido común dictaría, que ya que es una situación que necesita tu completa atención, ya que no es solo tu vida la que estas poniendo en peligro sino las de las personas a tu alrededor(eso sin contar las de los demás conductores o animales que pasean por el vecindario) le dirías a la persona en el otro lado de la línea, “dame un minuto” o simplemente “te llamo luego que tengo que resolver algo”, pero supongo que las otras vidas y propiedades que estas poniendo en peligro no tienen la misma importancia que tu llamada.
Los que han llegado hasta mi humilde Baticueva (aka mi casa) sabrán que hay que tomar una parte de la carretera en la que solo caben dos carros pequeños a la vez (y eso va a depender en el punto del tramo en que se encuentren de frente los vehículos). Pero anyway, moving on con la situación. Yo vengo en mi carro, a poca velocidad ya que sé que el tramo es un poco peligroso, y casi al terminarlo me encuentro frente a frente, foco con foco, con un caballero en una F-150, que no solo venía a exceso de velocidad en un área urbana sino que para mi sorpresa, también venia distraído hablando por el celular. Dado el punto del tramo en el ocurre el encuentro, yo no puedo retroceder para que él pase, así que le toca a él retroceder ya que él si tiene el espacio. Después de mirarme atravesa’o, (como si la situación fuera mi culpa por yo simplemente estar pasando por ahí para volver a mi casa cuando él tiene mucha prisa) volteó su cuello, puso la guagua en reversa y retrocedió de mala manera, todo este procedimiento sin soltar el celular ni un segundo. Un poco de sentido común dictaría, que ya que es una situación que necesita tu completa atención, ya que no es solo tu vida la que estas poniendo en peligro sino las de las personas a tu alrededor(eso sin contar las de los demás conductores o animales que pasean por el vecindario) le dirías a la persona en el otro lado de la línea, “dame un minuto” o simplemente “te llamo luego que tengo que resolver algo”, pero supongo que las otras vidas y propiedades que estas poniendo en peligro no tienen la misma importancia que tu llamada.
Saturday, July 03, 2010
Finally back on the post
Hey everybody!!
My apologies but I had some trouble accessing this account, but never fear, I'm back here. Over here in Puerto Rico things are going insane. The University of Puerto Rico board of directors are fixated on imposing an 800.00 dollars extra tuition fee to all its students and that has everyone going nuts. If you ask me, it is pretty abusive. I mean, students already pay fees for things they don't get. Can you imagine paying a sanitation fee for bathrooms that have no toilet paper, are always dirty, 50% of them do not work, there is no hand soap and no paper towels? Can you imagine paying a technology fee and not having a computer center for your department? I mean, we have to teach and take classes in what has already been declared as "sick buildings", the trolley system sucks, you go to the medical services office with a cold and they prescribe anti-acids for God's sake!!!. What's worse? Most of the employees in the different offices treat you like less than a human being and they want to place 30 students per section. 30 students per section in a college classroom with no air conditioner, no technology, no space and no resources, I mean, people have to sit in the hallway's floor. And yet, the administration feels the need to increase tuition by 800.00 dollars topay for things that never make it to the hands of those who need it. I don't know about you, but I think it's not fair.
My apologies but I had some trouble accessing this account, but never fear, I'm back here. Over here in Puerto Rico things are going insane. The University of Puerto Rico board of directors are fixated on imposing an 800.00 dollars extra tuition fee to all its students and that has everyone going nuts. If you ask me, it is pretty abusive. I mean, students already pay fees for things they don't get. Can you imagine paying a sanitation fee for bathrooms that have no toilet paper, are always dirty, 50% of them do not work, there is no hand soap and no paper towels? Can you imagine paying a technology fee and not having a computer center for your department? I mean, we have to teach and take classes in what has already been declared as "sick buildings", the trolley system sucks, you go to the medical services office with a cold and they prescribe anti-acids for God's sake!!!. What's worse? Most of the employees in the different offices treat you like less than a human being and they want to place 30 students per section. 30 students per section in a college classroom with no air conditioner, no technology, no space and no resources, I mean, people have to sit in the hallway's floor. And yet, the administration feels the need to increase tuition by 800.00 dollars topay for things that never make it to the hands of those who need it. I don't know about you, but I think it's not fair.
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