Ok so I just finished watching Eclipse and here is my take on it:
Bella is a bitch. She is manipulative, insecure, dependant and sways to wherever temperature takes her. When she is cold she turns to Jake when she is hot she turns to Edward.
Edward is the biggest “cabr**” in history, I mean for God’s sake she kissed Jake and told him she loved him in front of him, I mean WTF?
In the end she tells him it wasn't a choice between Edward and Jacob it was a choice between who she is and who they expect her to be, so she is a cold hearted bloodsucking bitch? Is that what she is trying to tell us.
Edward is the perfect profile of an abusive, over-protective, stalking boyfriend, He messed up her car so that she would not go out meet with friends, he has her with him at all times (even at bed time he sleeps next to her and spies on her thoughts) he tells her where to go, who to see, who to talk to, he even uses the typical line, -I trust you, I just don’t trust him.-WTF? Also he wants her to marry him only because that way he can officially have all the power over her (as if he doesn’t already)
This movie is the perfect profile of an abusive relationship. I don’t understand how so many women can read this books and love them. Edward is the abusive controlling boyfriend and Jacob is the knight in shining wolf skin while Bella… well, Bella… she is a sack of dirty laundry that they toss from hand to hand because she cannot do anything by herself, she is more of a pet than a woman.
Thank you Stephanie Meyer for reinforcing the stereotype that women are useless without a man around to protect them, thank you so much. I really would love to know how do you sleep at night knowing the damage you have caused to generations of young women who let themselves be influenced by your chauvinistic religious anti feminist bullsh**. But that's ok, I'm sure Jesus told you to do it (that's what all religious whacko's say).
Your books only prove one thing, humanity is really fu**ed up, specially the women that dream that someday a controlling, cold hearted, life sucking, craddle robbing “man” like Edward will come and strip them of their personality.
Que no me hiciste reir?! Y yo creyendo que era la única que pensaba eso!! Al fin un análisis realista..
Es verdad, no puedo creer como hay tantas mujeres que se babean popr tener una relacion como la de estos dos adolescentes. Es enfermizo.
De acuerdo y de acuerdo. Aunque, desde un punto editorial/marketing, veo porque vende. Apela a las prevalentes fantasías y frustraciones adolescentes de querer lo que no se puede, quererlo todo y ser la más más. Y el mercado de la fantasía es el que más vende.
Meyer propaga sus valores: ella es una Mormona levemente fánatica (he ahí los valores de virginidad, casamiento, sumisión al hombre) que es mantenida (bueno, era) por su esposo. Solo hace tareas del hogar. Bueno, eso y fantasear con Edward.
O, también hay una explicación super simple, que requiere tan solo repetir una frase sabia que alguien que conozco dijo: a la gente le gusta la mierda.
Yo no lo odiaría tanto si la gente no fuera tan psicofanatica con el. A todo el mundo le gustan sus porquerías. Todos necesitamos nuestro junk food cerebral. A mí lo que me molesta es que la gente piensa que es lo máximo y emulan ciegamente a la novela. Ese, para mí, es el peor problema. La bendita propagación del fanatismo de esta novela. Si la gente la leyera y dijera: es mierda, pero me gusta. Yo estaría tranquila. Pero no. La gente esta: ESTO ES LO MEJOR QUE HE LEIDO EN MI VIDA OH DIOS QUIERO EDWAAAAAARD. Ese es mi gran lío con esto.
Still, fucking Twilight! P.O.S.!
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