Monday, February 14, 2011

On valentine's day

My husband and I have decided not to exchange anything material on Valentine's Day. Why? Simple, Valentine's day is a travesty. Love should be expressed to those around you every day. You should not exchange tokens of affection with those you claim to love just because it has become a social convention for February 14th, but because it comes from your heart, therefore it can be done any day of the year. Therefore for us, every day is valentine's day, no need to conform. No need to fit in within the consumerist vortex looking for social approval. Love should not be a merchandising strategy. Shame on you people! Shame on you!

Friday, February 04, 2011

On Children's literature and being published

As I browsed through a friend’s blog I encountered myself with a very interesting posting, in it the author was talking about how difficult it is today to get published within the YA and Children’s literature market. That took me to reflect about the following, there is so many junk out there that so easily gets in the hands of children. So many “authors” that know nothing about literature but still get published because they are already famous for “other talents” and not writing and yet their fame bumps them into areas they should have never looked upon in the first place. I do agree on the fact that there are multi talented people out there that can perform greatly on more than one task, I mean there are wonderful actors, singers and dancers out there that excel at being a triple threat. However writing, I find it to be a bit more sacred. I can’t believe that there are people out there who spend their whole life specializing on how to give the world a great book and when the piece is created they don’t even get a chance because their last names are not Hilton or Kardashian or some ridiculous related Hollywood infected last name. The saddest thing is to know that you are infecting the minds of our young with pop trash and yet, you do nothing about it. Money is still the number one priority, profit over quality.