Thursday, March 27, 2008

Poetry Contest

So Today we had our poetry contest in the classroom. The guys did great. Some of them wrote exceptional poems. For the first time in the semester i feel proud of my students. Some of them can really become great poets, the ability is there. Yesterday and today the behaved better and they looked more interested than other times, so that probes my theory, its not only them but also me. I too need to adjust my class to them, because after all i am supposed to be planning for them and not for myself.

My supervisor is a......

So here me again complaining about my practice. things are better in the classroom level but not in the administrative level. My supervisor is the most irresponsible professor i've ever known. She makes appointments with us with months of anticipation and the she calls the day of the appointment at 6:00 am to cancel. I'm telling, she's got me pissed off.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Dissapointed with teaching

Here is the morning post. I a doing this post so early because i am pissed off at th system and i a pissed off at my practice and at the fact that because of group of conceited low life meerkats my practice teaching is getting screwed. At the beggining the first two month all the evaluation were good enough, but now, since a few evil offsprings decided that they don't like, the teacher changed his perspective to the perspective of the students, you know, like hen protecting chicks, and now i am being screwed in every evaluation and everything i do is not enough for "my gifted students". This sucks, why do we have to work ina system that treats us like a pile of dung and that gives those conceited little assholes more authority in the classroom than to the teacher. It is always what they want, not what they need, but they want. And i am sick and tired of it, i can't wait for this nightmare from hell to end.So i can graduate, and kiss goodbye the public system, cause its a worthless piece of shit.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Spring Break vacation

I've done nothing.
I've read nothing.
I bought nothing.
I rarely got out of the house.
I started exercising a little, I'm walking a mile every other day.
I've had only like two meals a day for a whole week.
The cats are good, the husband is fine, the house is a mess.
Sleeping patterns went back to normal, for a hybernating bear.

That's it. Happy easter everyone.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Long time no blog. what do i have to share? I'm struggling with my practice, my students are horrible(most of them) I'm totally lost in Shakespeare class, my husband is demanding more time(aka Sex)oh, and my braces were removed on Tuesday, same day that i had to be absent to the practice center because of medications for the back. Its a very beautiful world lately. My mom has a better social life than me, my sister in law is soon to give birth and i haven't even seen her with the big belly, that's how interesting my life has been lately. I fell sick a few days before the PCMAS and lost 6 pounds in four days, my size 4 jeans hang loose on my waist, they don't fall because of the big butt. So you can also imagine the dark circles, i'm sleeping a maxium of 5 hours daily. I'm about to go crazy, but this time officially.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Fashionable People

Hope you enjoy it as i did.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

You know you are disconnected from the world when...

Long time, no blog. I've been busy. With the practice, Shakespeare, the tutoring and the private classes i barely have time to eat and take a shower. I was browsing trough the oscar pictures(a week after) and i noticed something really shocking, half of the actors and actresses in the red carpet, I don't know who they are, and the ones i do know, are over 7 years old in the industry, ain't that pathetic?

It is because of things like that that you realize that you are totally disconnected from the rest of the world. Hey, let's face it, I've been 3 years now in May without t.v. or cable at home.

Hope the rest of the world is more up to date.