Wednesday, March 28, 2012

On Cars and Car Accidents

     My husband is always accusing me of being a bad driver and yet, I haven’t caused a car accident in the 6-8 years I’ve been driving (yes, I got my driver’s license a bit late in life) however, that does not mean that weird things have not happened to me on the road and considering the latest one I would like to share a few of those experiences. Maybe you have been in the same situations.

With the KIA

1. Brake Trouble- the brakes of my car got stuck and then broke while I was stopping at a red light in the highway on my way from Isabela to Aguadilla, there was a loaded truck behind me.

2. The car went crazy and turned itself off, refused to turn on again and when my husband arrived to help me, the car just started, just like that… as if nothing was wrong…douchy car!

With the Corolla

3.It overheated while I was stopping for a red light in “El Mani” on my way to Mayaguez and that’s not the worst part, it turned itself off so I had to push it out of the way…by myself…under the rain…wearing heels and a dress. I’m 5’3’’ and at the time weighted 115 pounds. So you can imagine how easy (NOT!) it was to get my car out of the way at 9:00 am in a crowded highway.

 4. A student rammed me in the parking lot when I was already parked, she just pressed the gas while talking on the phone… and the rest is history.

      So as you can see here, my accidents have been that, just accidents, caused by forces outside of my power. Still, there is a lot of crazy people driving out there that have lost respect for their cars and the power these have to be turned into weapons and damage others as well as yourself. So please, if you are driving, be smart, use a hands-free or the speaker-phone, do not text, be courteous to other drivers, and pay attention to the road. It can save your life as well as the life of others.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Re- designing

Today I took my car to the repair shop because the AC  was not working (and in this tropical weather AC is a must), turns out it had been a mistake from the mechanic, he left one cable adrift, and that messed up the car. And that took me to think, how many times does the domino effect destroyed something you have been planning for quite a while? Just one thing is left unattended and BAM! in your perspective, everything else goes to hell. Well, in that case we have to adopt a new term, re-design. If you are focused on everything that has gone wrong you will have no space in your mind to enjoy the things that actually go ok. So let's learn to move with the flow of things, and everything will end up just fine I don't know, it seemed kind of important for me to share this.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Welcome to Puerto Rico, A Paradise!

A 19 year old mother of 1 is assassinated by her "husband" in their own bedroom.

 A man jumps from a bridge into the highway to kill himself

Kidnapped man in the town of Humacao

Townspeople kick the crap out of guy after finding out he killed his underage pregnant girlfriend

Public school in Rio Piedras goes on strike

Raid in a club that was hosting "parties" for minors

Man shot and his wife wounded in their own home.

And it's only Tuesday!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

What Fairy tale is your life? The one in which everyone dies and no one gets the happily ever after...Oh, wait!

As I was browsing through Facebook and thinking about news that I had just received, I saw this little ad that said ““Plikity Plank”(for privacy purposes no name shall be revealed) is using “What Fairy Tale is your life” app, would you like to use it?” and  that sent my brain into overdrive.

 In order for everything to make sense I have to share the news I had just received, my half brother had an accident yesterday and is in critical condition in the hospital and piecing all the info together took me to the formulation of a conclusion; no life is a fairy tale, and to make people think that their life can become one or end like one is a cruel and abusive thing to do. It is because we are raised under this misconceptions that we grow up thinking that life is going to be welcoming, that there I something great in the world with our name on it, just sitting there, waiting for you to go and pick it up so it can magically give your life a happy ending; news flash! There are no happily ever afters.

The world is a constant source of movement and in order to survive within it you need two things and two things only, to work hard and to be in the right place at the right time. In the end it all comes down to your own efforts and probability or as some like to call it ‘luck’. I know I will have readers saying, “but you are saying that because you are angry at the world right now” and to those I have an answer, No, I am not angry at the world, I am being realistic, nothing will come to you like magic, and in the best cases, even when it looks like it does it does not matter the level of talent if you don’t get to know the right people to help you develop it. Do you have any idea how many talented people are out there that never got their big break? Why? Wrong place at the wrong time. Do you have any idea how many innocent people die on freakish accidents cause by other people? Thousands, around the world, daily. Why? Wrong place at the wrong time. And please, I don’t want the religious saying “Well, it was God’s plan” or “The Lord works in mysterious ways” Because if I am as important to him as everyone tells me I am, he could take a few seconds of his busy agenda to at least warn me of his plan. No apologies this time, if you got offended by anything in this post, then, sucks to be you.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

On Marriage

Among the people I  know, there are very few married couples who will say that they got married because they wanted to. When you ask couples why did they get married, a myriad of reasons will come swimming to the surface like a 5 year old desperately fighting the waters to avoid drowning, however there are very few couples that their first immediate response will be “We got married because we wanted to”. That takes me to think that, as much as we would like to say the world has evolved, there are institutions and human fears that have remained the same along the ages.
      When I got married, the priest who officiated our ceremony (we got a church wedding to please the family but that’s another post) said a few things that got to me because if my feminist believes, but the one that got to me the most was that, according to the bible I was accepting a commitment “to serve God and my husband”. “To serve” ummmm, I guess I had a problem with that because nowhere in my husband’s part of the contract said he was supposed to serve me. And if I am to serve him, wouldn’t that make me his subordinate? Don’t get me wrong, my goal here is not to attack religions or their ceremonial requirements (that’s also another post), but to highlight that in reality, when it comes to the institution of marriage nothing has really changed, and what’s worse those in charge don’t want to change it either. Women are still seen a property of the men who marry them, marriage is still seen as an exchange of goods and, the stamp which makes sexual activity affidavit socially valid. I believe that to be wrong. When the idea of marriage was presented to me (and I continue to use my marriage as an example for I do understand that every couple is different) I saw it as a merger between equals; like partners signing a contract, agreeing to start the design and construction of a beautiful project together; as equal investors and therefore equal shareholders. I was never able to see it as a bridge to economic stability, neither as a ticket to leaving my legacy to the world via the birth and eventful lives of my children. Why must we stick ourselves in the archaic foundations of marriage that come from times where women were worth the amount of cattle her family had to offer? Wouldn’t it be better to just modify and adapt the concept to the times and situations which are our accurate reality? Marriage today is not the same experience it was 100 years ago, therefore it should not be catalogued the same either. Nowadays, people should be able to feel comfortable enough within a relationship to see and treat marriage as an evolved institution in which partners incur voluntarily because they love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives with the person they choose, as an equal, not as a servant or as a master and be accepted for it. Why do we insist in seeing I marriage as a death sentence, when it can be a way to make you a better person while helping someone else become better in the process also. Heck! Why see it as an eternal fight to the death when it could be the most precious mutual support system?  If the perspective presented were to be taken into consideration, I think it would most definitively eliminate any problem to make marriage available to anyone who would like to take the journey into spousehood, regardless of gender or creed; for then marriage would actually be a “I did it because I wanted to” kind of thing.

Monday, March 05, 2012

You're not a 100 dollar bill, not everyone is going to like you.However...

 Regardless of who you are and how you act, people will always have their awkwardly fantastic (as in fictitious) opinions about you. I mean, you could be a declared saint and there will still be people that will find something wrong with who you are, what you do, what you wear and more importantly, what you think. Why do I say this, well let’s just say that just now for no specific reason I started reflecting upon a situation that happened to me a while ago with a certain person that for anonymity’s sake I will call, DUH!. DUH! was seen by everybody as a happy go lucky person filled with the knowledge of traveling the world, to me, DUH! Seemed like an ok person, so I decided to be-friend DUH!. One time when we were having what I considered an academic, open minded argument, I told DUH! that I considered war an unnecessary thing, responsible for destroying so many lives and yet, soldiers became soldiers because it was their decision, so whatever happened next to them once enrolled it was not only the government’s fault for creating conflict, but also the soldier’s fault for becoming soldiers. My point was of course personal responsibility; don’t blame unto others what is a consequential misfortune of your fully aware, conscious decision taking. DUH! Took it in such a personal way that up to this day it (will refer to the person as it to maintain full anonymity) will not speak to me, it won’t even acknowledge my presence in a room and has told people horrible things about me, my personality and my personal believes. So I guess it really doesn’t matter what you do to try to make other people be friendly with you, they will still paint the picture of you in their minds that better suits their perspective of reality, so might as well just keep walking and enjoying life being who you are and not who anybody wants you to be.

Friday, March 02, 2012

Common Sense, apparently not that common anymore

     As some of you may know, in Puerto Rico it's illegal to transit the main roads in unauthorized vehicles and methods of transportation such as four tracks, bicycles, roller-skates, skate boards and unregistered scooters (just to name a few, you would be surprised the kind of vehicles I see on the road sometimes). However this does not stop some people, apparently born and raised in "hillbilly county" to "stick it to the man" and transit through the mentioned main roads not only in unauthorized vehicles but also without any type of protective gear.
     People don't think that, when they do stupid stuff like this they are not only augmenting the odds of damaging themselves; but also endangering the lives of innocent people who have nothing to do and should not have to pay the consequences of  their limited brain capacity.It is when I read news articles like this, that I sit for a moment and wonder: What could have gone through the mind of these individuals the moment they agree to these kind of life threatening decisions? In my mind it goes more or less like this:
"Uhmm, you know what girlfriend?
"What girl?
 "I'm feeling super douchy today, so I'm gonna' go put some lives at risk, including my own, to prove to my momma that I'm a grown up [and that I'm super cool of course ;)] and I know what I'm doing. Wanna join me?"
"Sure, why not? I mean, it's not like we could die, or kill someone or something with our majestically stupid behavior."
"Hell no girl, let's go."

     It is because of intelligent decisions like this one that so many  lives end up so tragically, so early. Hello! Extraordinarily smart girls in the vehicle, why can't you just take a moment to acknowledge that decisions have consequences; that you are not alone in the world and that unless you live in a deserted island, your decisions affect everyone around you? Maybe it's too much to ask because apparently, common sense, is not that common anymore.

Here's the link to both the article and the video: