Monday, December 10, 2007

The last day of school, for me!!!!

Hi everyone, I just finished a 9 page take home exam(both faces of the paper) of comprehension questions, yes, i had to read 11 chapters of a book to answer it, but hey, i finished on time. So this is officially the last work of the semester for me, after this, I am free for a whole 30 days, to do NOTHING!!!!!!!!!! ahh, sweet nothing. It feels so good to know that i finished what i started, and that i did all the work for all the courses as good as i could. In some i am expecting a B, but hey, I was taking methodology and seminar at the same time, so cut me some slack. Anyway, i just want a peaceful vacation with my husband and cats. I will dedicate myself to being all day doing house chores like a good homemaker so that my husband can be happy and proud of the doll he married. (riiiiiiigggghhhttttt!!!!!!![with the sarcasm overflowing from the pores]) I will do the laundry when i feel like it, i will cook when i want to and most of the time i will be eating chips and watching rented movies, oh and lets not forget, sleeping until late, dream vacation for an overworked person. Enjoy your holidays.

1 comment:

K said...

Yay *singing* Schooollll's out for everrrr!!!

Chibi Boobie Snoopy can now relax and enjoy some down time wohoo!