Monday, November 15, 2010

"Man, Interesting Creature of Creation" Episode I

This is a satiric comic piece, under no pretension this should be considered official scientific research. It is not done to offend, bully or disrespect anybody. It’s just good, clean, feminist fun.

“Man, Interesting Creature of Creation”

Creation, one of the things mankind is most proud of, but no other creature has made more clear their affinity with creation than the human race. Within the human race, we have, as with any other creature in the planet, basic sex opposites, the male and the female. In this documentary divided in three parts we will explore that interesting creature of creation that man is. So let’s hop into the adventure boat and take a deep look at man.

Episode I

Men have a very “interesting” way to look at life and to look at socializing with the opposite sex. When a man wants to socialize with other men he is often very open, communicative and physical. When a man is to socialize with a member of the opposite sex two things will always be in the way of the process.

1. The gender difference and all the social implications of it.

When a man is to socialize with a woman the first thing he has in mind is that the creature has boobs, therefore she is in an inferior intellectual and social sphere. No matter how far a woman has gone or how important her contributions to society she will always be looked upon because of her “sad condition” (being born a woman that is)

2. The possibility of being an immediate mate

A man does not socialize only for the sake of socializing; he will always evaluate the situation first in terms of the possibility of turning the female in question into a possible mate companion. “Tapping that” is the first impulse, socialization is the second.

Another “interesting” and archaic behavior that the male species from the human race exhibits is the compulsive possessive behavior towards the female. Once he has declared the chosen female an everlasting mate companion he will scare away all other males and thwart every attempt of socialization outside of his watchful eye between “his female” and other males. Any other male no matter his condition, abilities or lack of them will always represent a threat if there is a female involved in the situation. This behavior however, almost always comes accompanied with another archaic behavior that deals with what in the male slang is referred to as “respect to another man’s woman”. The males of the vicinity will only interact with the female in question when her mate is around, once the female is alone the other males are to show “respect for another man’s woman” by not responding positively to any sign of socializing or courteous behavior from the part of the female, an example of this, if the female in question is leaving her pack’s nest and smiles at you just to show courtesy because you are on the path towards her defined goal(the car) if you are a male you are not to smile back, for you do not want her mate misinterpreting your courtesy as an advancement on “his woman”.

Man is a rare and fascinating creature indeed, his possessive instincts and predatorily behaviors have not changed much ever since he was a homo erectus, but on the contrary, most of the behaviors stayed with him and were adapted into a code of moral conduct as he evolved physically into Homo Sapiens. As with every other creature in the animal kingdom there is the occasional and rare “mutation” which contradicts said codes of moral conducts, however given the “pack nature” of this creature, this behaviors and ideologies are forcibly repressed obtaining one of two fatal outcomes for the “mutation”; he is either turned into a “functional” member of the pack or labeled an outcast and left behind to be eaten by society. Any of the two is cruel enough to wish not be born within those unfortunate “mutation” cases. Nonetheless when one of this “mutations” is successful in surviving by themselves, they overshadow their extremist masculine counterparts and become improved versions of what a human being should be.

In the next episode of “Man, Interesting Creature of Creation”:

We will explore the nature of the “scratch and sniff” behavior in men and also “Balls, do they really fall off if you do the dishes today?”

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