Thursday, September 09, 2010

Sobre la Prensa en Puerto Rico/ About Puertorrican Media and Journalism

English version of the post below the Spanish one, no particular reason for the order of the posts.

Mis disculpas, en estos dias los post han estado lentos, es que he tenido un poco de dificultad con la vista, never fear, ya saque cita con el especialista para la proxima semana. Hoy por hablar de algo que tal vez no le interese a muchos quiero hablar un poco de los medios de comunicacion y sus selectivos habitos de publicacion. Mirando la prensa local me di cuenta de que la mayoria de las noticias o son viejas, irrelevantes, completamente sensacionalistas o simplemente una melcocha de idioteces que hasta un nene de 8 a~os seria capaz de escribir,(De hecho creo que un ni~o de 8 haria un mejor trabajo). Eso me lleva a preguntarme que esta pasando con el periodismo en Puerto Rico? Los periodicos en los que la isla confia para mantenerse informada y en conexion con el resto del mundo se han convertido en tabloides sensacionalistas mas inclinados hacia la violencia y las imprudencias e indiscreciones de la farandula que a la prensa seria y el bienestar comunitario. Despues no se quejen si la salud mental del pais esta por el piso.
Es con pesar que hay que denunciar que ahora si es completamente obvio que la prensa puertorriquena ha perdido la objetividad que alguna vez caracterizo a algunos de sus miembros e instituciones. Ahora si que esto se jodio!

My apologies for the delay in the posting frequency, these couple of days have been hard on my eyes, never fear! I already have an appointment with the Specialist. I'm seeing the doctor next week. Today just for the sake of talking about something that maybe nobody cares about because nobody can relate to it, I would like to talk about the puertorrican printed and digital media elite news sources and their news choosing selective habits. Giving a close look to PR's local media I realized that from a couple of years back most of their published news are either old, irrelevant, tabloid like or simply a bunch of bull**** that even an 8 year old could write. (In fact I think an 8 year old would do a better job) That obviously leads me to ask the question, What's happening with journalism in Puerto Rico? The newspapers in which the country trusts to keep itself informed and connected with the rest of the world have turned into tabloids maliciously inclined towards violence and the bad choices of the rich and famous than to serious journalism and the well being of the community. Then they have the guts to complain about the psychological health of the country as a whole.
It is with heaviness in my heart that i feel the need to denounce that now it is completely obvious that puertorrican media has lost the objectivity that once characterized some of its journalists and institutions. Now we can really say that this island is fkd.

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