Monday, January 12, 2009

Normal = Weird?

In the course of my short marriage, I have learned a very important lesson that I carry with me anywhere I go. "Weird things happen to normal people". Yes, they do. take this afternoon as an example. Nelson got home from work, stepped out of his car, starts walking towards the house entrance and the next thing we know is that his car was dumped face up in the dry riverbed that is next to the house. Yep. I'm not joking, all the way to the bottom. Apparently the car "spitted out" the emergency break and even when it was in a plain surface, it went backwards and dumped itself down there. Then, we had to call a towing service to get the car out and all the s*@# that this situations involve. And now this is the situation, we have three cars. and none of the three is working properly and i start work tomorrow, what are the odds huh?

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