Wednesday, January 07, 2009

About Music

So I've been at home all day downloading music and I remembered that Ricky Martin does have good songs, I also realized that I barely listen to music anymore and that I did not downloaded anything new, everything was from 2006 and back, is that a sign that I'm getting older? I would say that it is a sign that there is nothing good or innovative in the market. Lately all you can hear are remakes of remakes, mixes, or old songs being brought back to life in duets or stuff like that. Does that mean that creativity is dead? Has the music world reached its limit and now is time for the Gods and Goddesses of pop, rock and hip hop to rest in peace? If so, what's gonna happen next? I don't think that we would love to see each other in the stores buying compilation records labeled "greatest hits". There's gotta be some talent out there, it just has to find a way to make it to my mp3 player.

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